Build tarball and write MINE_jll
package to ~/.julia/dev/
julia --project=. --startup-file=no --color=yes build_tarballs.jl --verbose --debug --deploy=local
Build tarball and deploy MINE_jll
package to<yourgithubaccountname>/<name>_jll.jl
julia --project=. --startup-file=no --color=yes build_tarballs.jl --verbose --debug --deploy=<yourgithubaccountname>/<name>_jll.jl
Check BinaryBuilderBase/src/Products.jl: L228
We may need to change L228 to this
if success(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no -e "import Libdl; Libdl.dlopen(\"$(replace(dl_path, "\\" => "/"))\")"`)
Check BinaryBuilderBase/src/Prefix.jl: L177
We may need to add this line
Sys.iswindows() && chmod(artifact_path(tree_hash), 0o755; recursive=true)
[ Info: Making D:\side-project\MINEBuilder\build\x86_64-linux-gnu\jQxePDdt\x86_64-linux-gnu-libgfortran3-cxx03\destdir\lib\ executable
[ Info: Checking lib\ with RPath list Any[]
[ Info: Ignored system libraries
patchelf: getting info about 'lib\': No such file or directory
┌ Warning: Unable to set SONAME on lib\
└ @ BinaryBuilder.Auditor C:\Users\kai\.julia\packages\BinaryBuilder\0CUml\src\auditor\soname_matching.jl:83