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This JavaScript library is for creating an interactive geographical heatmap. This library uses Google map's data layer to show GeoJSON zipcode boundaries. For obtaining the ZCTA5 GeoJSON, please refer to this project. The polygons on the map can be colored by using d3-scale. One example that uses this library is the Environmental Health Channel.


jQuery (necessary,
d3 (optional, version 3,


First, get a Google Map JavaScript API key, then include the following lines in the <head> tag of html file:

<link href="GeoHeatmap.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="d3.v3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[YOUR API KEY]"></script>
<script src="GeoHeatmap.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Remember to replace the [YOUR API KEY] with your key. The key provided in this repository is restricted to demo purposes. Second, you need to prepare three json files, zipcode_bound_geoJson, zipcode_bound_info, and zipcode_metadata. See the example files in this repository for their formats. For zipcode_bound_geoJson and zipcode_bound_info, you need to have the ZCTA5 GeoJSON file and choose the zipcode boundaries that you want for the heatmap. Then, use jQuery to load these data simultaneously:

var data = {};
// Start loading data simultaneously
  // Load the GeoJSON that contains the zipcode boundaries
  $.getJSON("zipcode_bound_geoJson.json", function (json) {
    data["zipcode_bound_geoJson"] = json;
  }).fail(function (response) {
    console.log("server error when loading zip code bound GeoJson: ", response);
  // Load the table that maps zipcodes, bounds, and center positions
  $.getJSON("zipcode_bound_info.json", function (json) {
    data["zipcode_bound_info"] = json["data"];
  }).fail(function (response) {
    console.log("server error when loading zipcode bound information:", response);
  // Load metadata
  $.getJSON("zipcode_metadata.json", function (json) {
    data["zipcode_metadata"] = json;
  }).fail(function (response) {
    console.log("server error when loading zipcode metadata:", response);
).then(function () {

Third, to create the heatmap, pass in the DOM container id and the following settings to create a heatmap with a single color scale:

function init(data) {
  var settings = {
    zipcode_bound_geoJson: data["zipcode_bound_geoJson"],
    zipcode_bound_info: data["zipcode_bound_info"],
    zipcode_metadata: data["zipcode_metadata"],
    threshold_metadata: 0,
    lambda: -1
  geo_heatmap = new edaplotjs.GeoHeatmap("#map-container", settings);

For creating a map with a d3 color scale and custom info window, use the following settings:

function init(data) {
  var settings = {
    zipcode_bound_geoJson: data["zipcode_bound_geoJson"],
    zipcode_bound_info: data["zipcode_bound_info"],
    zipcode_metadata: data["zipcode_metadata"],
    color_scale: d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 0.33, 0.66, 1]).range(["#00a511", "#fff200", "#ff6200", "#ff0000"]).interpolate(d3.interpolateLab),
    max_percentile: 0.99,
    min_percentile: 0.05,
    info_window_html_layout: function (zipcode) {
      var html = "";
      html += "<table>";
      html += "  <tr>";
      html += "    <td>Zipcode: " + zipcode + "</td>";
      html += "  </tr>";
      html += "  <tr>";
      html += "    <td>Custom Data: " + data["zipcode_metadata"][zipcode] + "</td>";
      html += "  </tr>";
      html += "</table>";
      return html;
    mouseover_callback: function (zipcode) {
      console.log("mouseover on zipcode: " + zipcode);
    mouseout_callback: function (zipcode) {
      console.log("mouseout on zipcode: " + zipcode);
    info_window_domready_callback: function (zipcode) {
      console.log("info window domready for zipcode: " + zipcode);
    info_window_closeclick_callback: function (zipcode) {
      console.log("info window closeclick for zipcode: " + zipcode);
  geo_heatmap = new edaplotjs.GeoHeatmap("#map-container", settings);

The following sections show parameters that you can specify in "settings" and the public methods.



The json file for visualizing the zipcode regions. The format is {"zipcode": value}. Values represent data in the zipcode, for instance, number of people. See file zipcode_metadata for an example.

settings["zipcode_metadata"] = {"15213": 25, "15232": 10};


The GeoJSON file that stores the zipcode boundaries (polygons). See file zipcode_bound_geoJson for an example. You need to select the boundaries from the ZCTA5.

settings["zipcode_bound_geoJson"] = zipcode_bound_geoJson;


The json file that stores the mapping of zipcode, bounding boxes, and center positions. The format is "zipcode": ["min_lng", "min_lat", "max_lng", "max_lat", "center_lng", "center_lat"], where lat means latitude, lng means longitude. See file zipcode_bound_info for an example.

settings["zipcode_bound_info"] = {
  "15202": [-80.108617, 40.482170, -80.033285, 40.521929, -80.070951, 40.5020495],
  "15205": [-80.172815, 40.408126, -80.040698, 40.459977, -80.106757, 40.4340515]

"init_map_zoom" and "init_map_center"

The initial zoom level and center location of the Google map.

settings["init_map_zoom"] = 12;
settings["init_map_center"] = {lat: 40.43, lng: -79.93}; // latitude and longitude


Force the user to pan the map with two fingers. Please refer to Google Map API for details of this behavior.

settings["force_two_finger_pan"] = true;


Show the Google Map zoom control or not.

settings["zoom_control"] = true;


The saturation of the base Google map.

settings["map_saturation"] = -100;


The base color to fill in the zipcode regions when there is no color scale.

settings["color_single"] = "#ff0000";


The d3 color scale object for rendering the color of zipcode regions. This feature requires d3.js, which is already included in this repository.

settings["color_scale"] = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 0.33, 0.66, 1]).range(["#00a511", "#fff200", "#ff6200", "#ff0000"]).interpolate(d3.interpolateLab);


The opacity of zipcode regions, ranging from 0 to 1. If there is no zipcode metadata, all zipcode regions will have opacity equal to this setting. If there is both zipcode metadata and color scale, the color of zipcode regions is determined by the scale and the opacity is defined by this setting. This setting does not work when there is zipcode metadata but no color scale, where the opacity is automatically computed based on the zipcode metadata.

settings["color_opacity"] = 0.7;


The method for scaling data, currently supports "range" and "zscore". When the method is "range", the metadata for all zipcodes is scaled to values between 0 and 1. When the method is "zscore", the metadata for all zipcodes is transformed to z-scores, i.e. signed number of standard deviations away from the mean. The scaled values determine the opacities for zipcode regions on the map (when there is no color scale), or particular colors (when there is a color scale).

settings["scaling_method"] = "range"; // can also be "zscore"


The parameter for performing a power transform to scale data to have the distribution be close to a normal distribution. This setting only works when the "scaling_method" is "range".

settings["lambda"] = -1;

"max_output" and "min_output"

The parameters to cap the maximum and minimum values of the scaled z-scores. These two parameters are used to limit the influence of extremely high or low values when visualizing data. This setting only works when "scaling_method" is "zscore".

settings["max_output"] = 3;
settings["min_output"] = -3;

"max_percentile" and "min_percentile"

The parameters to determine the maximum and minimum percentiles of the input zipcode metadata. For example, if "max_percentile" is 0.5, all metadata that are larger than the mean will be scaled to 1. If "min_percentile" is 0.5, all metadata that are smaller than the mean will be scaled to 0. These two parameters are used to limit the influence of extremely high or low values when visualizing data. This setting only works when "scaling_method" is "range".

settings["max_percentile"] = 0.99;
settings["min_percentile"] = 0.05;

"max_input" and "min_input"

The parameters to set the metadata value that maps to color scale 1 and 0. For example, if "max_input" is 1000, the color at scale 1 will map to value 1000 (and also above 1000) in the metadata. If "min_input" is 100, the color at scale 0 will map to value 100 (and also below 100) in the metadata. These two parameters are used to set multiple maps to have a comparable color scale. This setting only works when "scaling_method" is "range".

settings["max_input"] = 1000;
settings["min_input"] = 100;


The parameter for filteing metadata that have small values. For instance, if "threshold_metadata" is 0, zipcode regions that have metadata below or equal to 0 will not be displayed on the map.

settings["threshold_metadata"] = 0;


The function that returns a html layout for displaying the info window when users select a zipcode region. See the demo html file for an example.

settings["info_window_html_layout"] = function (zipcode) {
  var html = "";
  html += "<table>";
  html += "  <tr>";
  html += "    <td>Zipcode: " + zipcode + "</td>";
  html += "  </tr>";
  html += "  <tr>";
  html += "    <td>Custom Data: " + zipcode_metadata[zipcode] + "</td>";
  html += "  </tr>";
  html += "</table>";
  return html;


The event listener when users mouse over a zipcode region.

settings["mouseover_callback"] = function (zipcode) {
  console.log("mouseover on zipcode: " + zipcode);


The event listener when users mouse out a zipcode region.

settings["mouseout_callback"] = function (zipcode) {
  console.log("mouseout on zipcode: " + zipcode);


The event listener when an info window is ready and displayed.

settings["info_window_domready_callback"] = function (zipcode) {
  console.log("info window domready for zipcode: " + zipcode);


The event listener when an info window is closed.

settings["info_window_closeclick_callback"] = function (zipcode) {
  console.log("info window closeclick for zipcode: " + zipcode);

Public Methods


Unhighlight all zipcode regions that are selected by users.



Replace the current zipcode metadata to another dataset.

d = {"15213": 25, "15232": 10};


Replace the current color scale to another scale.

s = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 0.33, 0.66, 1]).range(["#00a511", "#fff200", "#ff6200", "#ff0000"]).interpolate(d3.interpolateLab);

setZipcodeMetadataAndColorScale(desired_zipcode_metadata, desired_color_scale)

Replace the current zipcode metadata and color scale to other dataset and scale.

d = {"15213": 25, "15232": 10};
s = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 0.33, 0.66, 1]).range(["#00a511", "#fff200", "#ff6200", "#ff0000"]).interpolate(d3.interpolateLab);
geo_heatmap.setZipcodeMetadataAndColorScale(d, s);


Set the map to the default center and zoom level, which are defined in the settings.



Get the Google map object.

gm = geo_heatmap.getGoogleMap();


Get the Google map infowindow object.

iw = geo_heatmap.getInfoWindow();


Hide the heatmap.



Show the heatmap.;