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This is a Next JS (Typescript) + Tailwind CSS personalized template. Live demo can be accessed at Actually, I made this for myself so I don't need to waste my time overthinking about the config and setup and focusing on the development.

But if you also find this template is useful, you also can use it. And of course, I'm open to any feedback. You can fork or clone this repo and make a PR here if you have some idea.

âš¡ What's included here?

  • Toolings for linting, formatting, and conventions configured. eslint, prettier, husky, & lint-staged.
  • The ESLint config is bundled in eslint-config-yehezgun
  • ✨Basic responsive layout configuration (using Chakra UI media query)
  • 📜Basic standard-version to generate Changelog, you can run npx standard-version --skip.bump --skip.commit --skip.tag
  • SEO Optimization (using next-SEO)
  • Now using Next.js 12 with Rust Compiler Minification enabled (you can disable it at next.config.js)

How to use it?

  • You can open and click `Use this template button (Don't forget to log in to your Github account).
  • Or you can clone this repo using degit in your terminal. Don't forget to install the needed dependencies using npm install or yarn.
npx degit yehezkielgunawan/yehez-nexttailwind-starter <YOUR_APP_NAME>
  • Or you also can easily use this template by running:
npx create-next-app --example <YOUR_APP_NAME>
  • Then run the local server using yarn dev or npm run dev

  • One important thing to do is to look at unit tests and run it by using yarn test and/or yarn test:ci! This is useful when you want to try looking at the coverage and to understand the integration tests.
