urbit debs now for armhf on Stretch!
Welcome maintainers for other platforms and architectures.
This repo exists to help show how to build your own debs
You may be able to build them for yourself on your own system. The armhf debs were built on a Samsung Chromebook 303C with Debian Stretch (testing) Crouton.
Please report any issues with the packaged debs here. I would be happy to make any changes for any architecture if it's going to help someone.
The build scripts I use for the debs are in debs-{ARCH} for {amd64,i386,armhf} You may find the patches included that I have applied for each architecture to be helpful as well.
From a freshly installed (tested on Jessie) Debian or Ubuntu, copying this mess into your terminal should get you set up with a packaged installation of urbit:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone --recursive --depth 1 $REPO urbit
pushd urbit; pushd urbit
curl -o urbit.pill http://bootstrap.urbit.org/latest.pill
git submodule add -f https://github.com/urbit/arvo.git arvo
patch -p1 < ../urbit-${ARCH}.diff
sudo apt-get install -y debhelper libssl-dev \
libncurses5-dev libgmp-dev libsigsegv-dev \
ragel libtool autoconf cmake re2c
make clean distclean
make builddeb
sudo dpkg -i urbit_*.deb
echo "Package installed!"
echo "Next, you should run: urbit -c pier"