$ rotator -h
rotator 0.1
rotator [OPTIONS] --interface <INTERFACE> --network <ADDRESS>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-b, --block <CIDR block> block range to rotate (Example: 32, 48, 64) [default: 64]
-c, --count <COUNT> Number of the addresses to be routed [default: 5]
-i, --interface <INTERFACE> Set a network device interface (Example: eth0, ens33)
-n, --network <ADDRESS> Address prefix to rotate over. (Example: 2001:db8:0000:0000)
-s, --sleep <sleep> Rotate to a new IP in x seconds [default: 10]
Build from the source
rotator is written in Rust. You will need rustc version 1.45.0 or higher. The recommended way to install Rust for development is from the official download page, using rustup.
To build, download the source code and run:
$ cargo build
rotator's source code is licenced under the MIT License.