Place folders with files in custom directory, for example:
The folder
can be named anything, it is just a container folder.On linux operating system you should use lower-case naming
After placing edt files you need to restart your server if it was already running and set
content_mount_synergy_mod_path_priority 0
on your server config for the EDTs to apply.
- Download version https://github.com/yarik2720/Synergy-SM/releases/tag/1.56.16
- Simply place folders with files in
directory, for example:Steam\steamapps\common\Synergy\synergy\
All files were imported from Synergy version 56.16 and here is changes:
Changes over all maps (or almost all):
- Notifications of mission failure (will be removed when next version releases)
- Added Elite Jeep spawn on some hl2 and ep2 maps (also fix for Jeep Elite included in
folder) - Increased vehicle spawns for more players
- Damage players on vehicle spawn places who blocks spawning
- Vitage mode fixes
- Fixed stucking on synergy transition wall and changed synergy coop counter positions
- Antlion Guard health moved out from edt files, set up needed health in file
, example:// Default health without setting it up is 500 sk_antlionguard_health "2560" sk_antlionguard_dmg_charge "60" sk_antlionguard_dmg_shove "25"
Map specific changes:
- d1_trainstation_01
- fixed players teleportation into the train after Gman scene
- Changed Barney room teleport trigger to disable after TeleportPlayersNotTouching so it isn't a jarring teleport
- fixed citizens queue stops due to rushing
- added checkpoints for game with disabled reloads
- d1_trainstation_03
- enabled never used track "Miscount Detected"
- changed player percentage on trigger_coop
- fixed players teleport point on raid start
- added checkpoint as failsafe if someone suicides after door close
- d1_trainstation_06
- preventing skipping Barney scene
- d1_canals_01
- added another way to remove stuff that blocks train
- d1_canals_01a
- removed ragdolls to save network usage
- d1_canals_02
- fixed origin for antiskip triggers
- added new one trigger_push for skip preventing
- d1_canals_03
- fixed fall damage timer
- d1_canals_06
- closed skip through wall
- d1_canals_07
- added checkpoint before gates opening
- added checkpoint before second APC
- d1_canals_08
- extended trigger_coop size while waiting other players
- d1_canals_09
- extended trigger_coop size while waiting other players
- d1_canals_10
- extended trigger_coop size while waiting other players
- d1_canals_11
- deleted acid hurt trigger at map start
- preventing blocking ramp
- fixes for trigger_coop
- preventing blocking gates opening
- extended trigger_coop size while waiting other players
- d1_canals_12
- extended trigger_coop size while waiting other players
- d1_canals_13
- fixed helicopter health in vintage mode
- Prevent other NPCs from being able to be removed by crow removal trigger
- d1_eli_01
- fixed npc's damage filter
- d1_eli_02
- removed prop_ragdoll to prevent high network usage
- added block to hole by displacement
- d1_town_01
- closed puzzle skip
- d1_town_02
- fixed playing around with tram lever
- checkpoint after tram lever
- antiskip triggers fixed and more added
- disabled trigger hurt after coming back from d1_town_03
- fixed preventing backtracking to d1_town_03
- added trigger to disable zombie spawns at lift section when standing near them (grind block).
- d1_town_02a
- antiskip trigger added
- proper trigger coop position
- added more zombies
- made Monk avoid players on his way at the end
- d1_town_04
- fixed missing sound (included in
- fixed missing sound (included in
- d1_town_05
- made combines spawn while visible, fixed odd spawnflags for them
- made spawn additional waves of combines only when it needs to be (preventing game stuck)
- fixed music overlapping when players proceeds too fast
- prevented escaping out of the map
- reenabled antirush in warehouse, but with decreased antirush time
- d2_coast_04
- prevented wallclimbing
- alerting players that they need vehicle to proceed after crane
- replaced ragdolls cars with physics models
- d2_coast_07
- extended trigger hurt against field overjump
- re-enabled manhack spawner in first room
- d2_coast_08
- fixed skip of trigger coop
- d2_coast_09
- moved syn_autosave from multiple trigger to trigger once (more players = more cars stopping)
- d2_coast_10
- antirush trigger_hurt now disables after secret door opens
- fixed soft-lock by preventing trigger on the other side of the lighthouse door to be enabled until after the secret door opens
- fixed server crash by replacing already used TemplateName for Combine Soldiers
- d2_coast_11
- fixed health for Antlion Guard on vintage mode
- removed harpoon due soft-lock by killing npc_antlionguard
- added antiskip clips
- added failsafe to game reload if someone kills vort
- added button to open gates if bugbait is broken (happens if server didn't restarted after Episodes)
- d2_coast_12
- fixed assault on vintage mode
- d2_prison_02
- made sound overwatch_freeman_spotted play once
- d2_prison_03
- fixed vent skip
- d2_prison_05
- added checkpoint before Antlion Guard
- add checkpoint after combine crusherwall ends moving (helpful if level restart disabled when all players are dead)
- fixed spawning outside the crusherwall if mp_reset is disabled
- add static crate for ledge for a lot of players
- d2_prison_06
- reenabled commented out working solution to fix Alyx stuck
- fix spawning outside the elevator
- added checkpoints and teleports on Eli scene and after it
- made more vanilla doors behavior
- prevent gate block
- teleport players on elevator, prevent them to be teleported on checkpoint too early
- d2_prison_07
- revert to vanilla backtracking d2_prison_07
- fixed spawned combine being stucked without any target
- added trigger_push to prevent players escape and spawnkill
- d2_prison_08
- fixed Alyx spawn on new game
- close NPC spawn-kill zone
- fixed broken checkpoints
- play sound HL2_song25_teleporter - Miscount Detected while elevating
- d3_c17_01
- prevent working teleport overjump (or it can be stucked during opening)
- d3_c17_02
- fixed broken checkpoint
- start Dog automatically (trigger can be hitted before Dog can begin sequence)
- d3_c17_06a
- fixed checkpoint location
- d3_c17_06b
- prevented skipping
- remade trigger_look to trigger_coop for proper coop gameplay
- block bridge closing to prevent players fall through it
- d3_c17_07
- prevented rushing before Alyx enters bloody room (hitting triggers while sequence is not ended breaks her)
- prevented skipping on the roof
- prevented spawnkills
- d3_c17_08
- remove all wooden boards near manhacks to prevent clients crashes by exploding them (this also still crashes original hl2)
- fix mp_antirush_disable breaking elevator on vanilla mode
- fix catwalk grenade throw sequence
- d3_c17_09
- prevent skip without waiting for Barney
- d3_c17_10a
- fix Barney stucking on beginning
- remove syn_transition_wall on the beginning to allow rebels come through (trigger_push still prevents backtracking)
- d3_c17_10a
- removed antirush blocking plug, was useless due to next trigger_coop placed
- replaced ragdoll car with physics one
- d3_c17_10b
- antirush push in trap with Barney
- d3_c17_11
- fixed combine skip door
- fixed skybridge skip block origin
- d3_c17_13
- remove meeting citizen storytelling, it stucks in duck position
- antirush push positions added
- added checkpoint
- added fix by Katie Roberts (@PsychoNightmare) - Killing strider prevents progression - https://gitlab.com/SynergyMod/Synergy/issues/6
- trigger hurt for players, that are trying to go at the end before killing all Striders
- replaced ragdoll cars with physics one
- d3_citadel_01
- prevented players enter upperpod
- d3_citadel_02
- fixed not entering pod on map start
- fixed ejecting out of the pod at the end
- d3_citadel_04
- added trigger hurt for skipping map
- d3_breen_01
- fixed blinking
- fixed exploit of blocking "digger" on the teleport part
- proper teleport destinations
- fix spectators GUI breaking when spectating on falling player in the teleport chamber
- For people that may want to see the credits all the way through, there is a comment in each of these: "// Comment out these to see the credits all the way through"
- d1_trainstation_01
- ep1_citadel_00
- render bug fixes
- fixed Alyx stucking and falling down through ground
- fixed vanride can be ended before Alyx exits van
- antirush blocks
- don't kill falling Van (bug Synergy 56.16: players can be teleported into van if player joins server) looks weird, but better, than player inside vehicle being killed
- ep1_citadel_01
- don't stop Alyx scenarios on players fall
- close door on rollermine area
- fixes for Alyx if there is afk player on server
- teleport players into stalkers room and start rollertraining if alyx was blocked by players
- enabled more rollermine charges if another charged mine was thrown out
- recreated particle system to fix vortex rendering
- fixed trigger position to prevent rollermine creating out of edicts limit
- ep1_citadel_02
- add Alyx and players teleport before dropship scene
- fixed energy balls spawning out of edict limits
- ep1_citadel_02a
- deleted entry_transition_door, some players can stay before it and can't proceed
- teleport Alyx on elevator platform
- remade autosaves with delay to prevent infinite players death after fail
- ep1_citadel_02b +fixed checkpoints
- ep1_citadel_03
- play sound_radiation_warning only once
- fix teleport positions and added new one in danger zones
- reduce glow size
- added fallback in trigger_socket_5 for when sometimes counter fails
- block disabling timer_ball_tube1 which prevents completing section where you have to fill 3 parts if someone leaves
- applied no damage filter to Alyx after mossman scene starts
- fixed sprite wasn't removed
- ep1_citadel_04
- added teleport Alyx to airlock on many players
- added failsafe for Alyx not running out of train
- ep1_c17_00
- antirush block
- disable stalker sequence from previous map (origin Valve EP1 bug)
- teleport players to prevent stucking in Alyx
- add checkpoint and tp Alyx to zombine joke scene
- open gate automatically
- ep1_c17_00a
- prevent early elevator power reenabling
- open gate automatically
- teleport players when Alyx enters elevator (clip wall appears that doesn't allow players to enter elevator)
- make Alyx invincible (level restart breaks elevator appearing)
- tp players and Alyx in waterroom, no need to wait a lot when Alyx come
- ep1_c17_01
- fixed crank locking
- added player teleports in some places, Alyx waits for afk's
- made fire deal more damage and block skipping fire puzzle (antirush)
- don't allow ceiling breaking by shooting on it
- add failsafe to stop antlions spawn and start final scene "thats over"
- fixed car lost on combines gate
- ep1_c17_02
- teleport Alyx in guards room as failsafe while she can be blocked by another players
- recreate antlion_guard, stop spawning antlions and proceed next scene
- fixed long waiting after guard death
- ep1_c17_02b
- prevent whole map skip
- added teleport
- prevent players being stucked in npc (fixed)
- ep1_c17_02a
- disable backtracking trigger, some players could touch it on spawn
- teleport players to the gunship battle
- gave rpg for all players once one take it
- disabled movement of gunship ragdoll after falldown
- reduce door delay
- remade part "Alyx found a shotgun" to prevent game stuck whene there is no shotguns in area
- lazy people must take a part in puzzle solving (water therapy), so teleport them all
- ep1_c17_05
- added checkpoint
- made citizens proceed automatically - BUG on Synergy 56.16: citizens stops following any player when someone connects
- faster combine spawns
- ep1_c17_06
- made killing Strider a bit harder
- added checkpoint
- prevent escaping
- fixed strider wan't respawning on early death
- For people that may want to see the credits all the way through, there is a comment in each of these: "// Comment out these to see the credits all the way through"
- ep1_citadel_00
- ep2_outland_01
- prevent early use of choreo vehicle and soft-locking players (original ep2 bug) and lock after players eject
- getting alyx faster into communication center by trigger_coop
- prevented fast wire plugin
- antiskip triggers
- suiciding after activating button to open gates can stuck game, move all players there
- revert back to antirush coop, waiting for vort is too long
- ep2_outland_02
- fix health of wood_boords after scene complete
- more antlion guards controlled with logic_difficulty by players amount
- removed hoppers to prevent server crashes (on high players amount)
- ep2_outland_03
- Vort enables generator quicker
- edited entry gates mass
- fixed platform rising with high amount of players
- ep2_outland_04
- prevent elevator blocking with props
- fix vort position on elevator
- made fanblade always rotating
- added checkpoints on the map
- ep2_outland_04
- spawn guards when player hits battle area
- ep2_outland_06
- antiskip triggers
- prop_ragdoll disable movement to save network usage
- fixed warehouse teleport
- Alyx sniper invulnerable
- reenabled players teleport after forklift
- on maps ep2_outland_06a - ep2_outland_10a made Alyx and jalopy teleporting at the end so they will be on next map after changelevel
- ep2_outland_06a
- antiskip triggers
- ep2_outland_07
- prevent escaping advisor room
- antiskip triggers
- ep2_outland_08
- removed door that can make transition to another map (looks bad, maybe I'll remade it later)
- made final rebel invencible
- break props from exploding tower to prevent killing with them friendly npc's
- ep2_outland_10
- teleport jalopy, players and Alyx on trap, also locks jalopy before trap is not opened
- added shield disabling failsafe
- more antirush events to prevent breaking game
- ep2_outland_10a
- moved car spawning points, remove additional
- added trigger_coop at the end to teleport Alyx
- ep2_outland_11b
- added failsafe timer if something went wrong (no new magnussons, strider stuck while moving or smth)
- ep2_outland_12
- added trigger_coop at the end to teleport Alyx
- ep2_outland_12a
- fixed players teleportations to elevators
- added GMan as Half-Life: Alyx reference
- For people that may want to see the credits all the way through, there is a comment in each of these: "// Comment out these to see the credits all the way through"
- ep2_outland_01