Submit is imageboard-style social platform created in PHP with JS front-end components. It doesn't have any fancy functionality - mainly designed to just work with all features already introduced
In source code, there is "docker" directory, go into it, add to docker-compose.yml environmental variables and run
docker-compose up -d --build
Then, enter database container using command:
docker exec -it submit2_db sh
and enter the mysql CLI. Then create database "submit". Next, exit container and run
docker exec -it submit2_app sh
and migrate migrations:
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- registering/loging users (via Auth0 API)
- creating threads and comments
- popping-up modals for creating post and comment
- uploading files
- refreshing without page reload (thanks to react.js)
- desktop/mobile version
- logout
- search engine (at the moment only searches thread's content)
- comment/post deletion (this feature was implemented in Submit 1.0 but it was broken so it's not implemented yet)
- comment/post sanitization
- comment/post cooldown
- pop-ups after refreshing, making new thread etc.
- public user profiles (this idea has to be considered deeply)
- following mechanism
- post reporting mechanism
- design sucks, I'm afraid of it
- administration panels
- error handling (for example when sending too large image, only error shows in API's response)
- any unit tests,
I'm too dumb for thisn-no need for them actually when everything works ehehe~
Of course, but if you like to, text me so we can consider changes and ideas. Also feel free to contact me with any feedback you have