Acts_as_rateable is a rails plugin providing a rating interface for ActiveRecord models. It is released under the MIT license. The original plugin is used on for article rating, sponsored quizzes, etc.
Rating scores are recorded by user
Users can update previous ratings
Uses a polymorphic association to your model, so no changes to your existing models in the database are required
Stores computed score and number of ratings for efficient data access
Possibility to change range of the ratings (1..5 is default)
Install as a gem:
$ sudo gem install mreinsch-acts_as_rateable
Then add the gem dependency in your config:
# config/environment.rb config.gem "mreinsch-acts_as_rateable", :source => "", :lib => "acts_as_rateable"
To install as a plugin, use:
$ ./script/plugin install git://
Install the plugin into your vendor/plugins directory, insert ‘acts_as_rateable’ into your model, then restart your application.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_rateable end
Now your model is extended by the plugin, you can rate it (1-#) or calculate the average rating.
@post.rate_it(4, current_user) @post.average_rating #=> 4.0 @post.average_rating_round #=> 4 @post.average_rating_percent #=> 80 @post.rated_by?(current_user) #=> true @post.rating_by(current_user) #=> 4 @post.ratings_couunt #=> 1 Post.find_top_rated #=> top rated records
Optional you can specify the highest score using the :max_rating paramter as follows. The default for :max_rating is 5.
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_rateable :max_rating => 10 end
See acts_as_rateable.rb for further details!
Remove the old plugin, and install this version.
Check your code and make sure you pass the user object instead of the user ID for the rate_it, rated_by? and rating_by methods.
Generate an update migration using: ./script/generate acts_as_rateable_update1
Run your test cases
Copyright © 2007 Ferenc Fekete, , released under the MIT license
Copyright © 2009 mobalean LLC,