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a tool for full-length circRNA isoform construction based on convolutional neural network


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circFL-refine: a tool for full-length circRNA isoform construction based on convolutional neural network


circFL-refine is a circRNA analysis pipeline to evaluate and correct full-length structure of circRNA isoform


circFL-refine is a free software, which can be downloaded from

Well trained human and mouse donor/acceptor models are available at

Curated datasets of full-length circRNA isoforms are visalized at UCSC, including isoforms from human and mouse

Curated datasets of full-length circRNA isoforms are available at

Full-length circRNA nanopore simulation data can be generated by circFL-simu

Softwares and packages dependencies

Python 3.x.x and corresponding versions of numpy, pandas, torch, pyfasta, scikit-learn, docopt.


Install latest release from pip

pip install circFL-refine

Install latest release from source codes

git clone
cd circFL-refine/script
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Required files

Users can prepare the external files under the following instructions:

Indexed genome fasta file

samtools faidx $genome


Nanopore reads simulation


Usage: circFL-refine <command> [options]
    train             Train CNN models to predict donor and acceptor sites
    evaluate          Evaluate full-length circRNA isoforms
    correct           Correct mistaken circRNA isoforms


Usage: circFL-refine train -f circ -g genome [-l lines] [-e epoch] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f circ                     BED format file contain full-length circRNA information.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -l lines=K                  Only use first K lines for training, e.g. 30000.
    -e epoch                    Number of epoch for training [default: 1].
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_refine].


Usage: circFL-refine evaluate -f circ -g genome [-d donor_model] [-a acceptor_model] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f circ                     BED format file contain full-length circRNA information.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -d donor_model              Donor model file, output of train commond.
    -a acceptor_model           Acceptor model file, output of train commond.
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_refine].


Usage: circFL-refine correct -f circ -g genome -d donor_model -a acceptor_model [-e mistake] [-i dist] [-o output]

    -h --help                   Show help message.
    -v --version                Show version.
    -f circ                     Evaluation result of full-length circRNA, output of evaluate commond.
    -g genome                   Fasta file of genome.
    -d donor_model              Donor model file, output of train commond.
    -a acceptor_model           Acceptor model file, output of train commond.
    -e mistake=k                Isoforms with less than k mistaken splice site to be corrected [default: 1].
    -i dist                     Maximum distance of nearby predicted splice site [default: 20].
    -o output                   Output dir [default: circFL_refine].

Output files

File name Details acceptor splice site prediction model from train donor splice site prediction model from train
fl_evaluate.txt evaluate results
fl_correct.detail details of correct results
fl_correct.bed corrected BED file from correct


No. Column name Details
1 chrom chromosome
2 chromStart start coordinate of circRNA
3 chromEnd end coordinate of circRNA
4 name isoform ID
5 score 0
6 strand strand of circRNA
7 thickStart .
8 thickEnd .
9 itemRgb .
10 blockCount number of exons in circRNA
11 blockSizes block size of each exon
12 blockStarts block start of each exon
13 donorSite corrdinate of donor splice site
14 donorMotif motif of donor splice site
15 donorPredict prediction score of donor splice site
16 donorPredictMin minium prediction score of donor splice site
17 acceptorSite corrdinate of acceptor splice site
18 acceptorMotif motif of acceptor splice site
19 acceptorPredict prediction score of acceptor splice site
20 acceptorPredictMin minium prediction score of acceptor splice site

Isoforms with donorPredictMin>0.5 and acceptorPredictMin>0.5 are considered as evaluate passed.


No. Column name Details
1 chrom chromosome
2 chromStart start coordinate of circRNA
3 chromEnd end coordinate of circRNA
4 name isoform ID
5 score 0
6 strand strand of circRNA
7 thickStart .
8 thickEnd .
9 itemRgb .
10 blockCount number of exons in circRNA
11 blockSizes block size of each exon
12 blockStarts block start of each exon
13 donorSite corrdinate of donor splice site
14 donorMotif motif of donor splice site
15 donorPredict prediction score of donor splice site
16 donorPredictMin minium prediction score of donor splice site
17 acceptorSite corrdinate of acceptor splice site
18 acceptorMotif motif of acceptor splice site
19 acceptorPredict prediction score of acceptor splice site
20 acceptorPredictMin minium prediction score of acceptor splice site
21 correct_donorSite corrdinate of corrected donor splice site
22 correct_acceptorSite corrdinate of corrected acceptor splice site
23 dN number of mistaken donor splice site
24 aN number of mistaken acceptor splice site
25 dM maximum distance of corrected donor splice site to original site
26 aM maximum distance of corrected acceptor splice site to original site


No. Column name Details
1 chrom chromosome
2 chromStart start coordinate of circRNA
3 chromEnd end coordinate of circRNA
4 name isoform ID
5 score 0
6 strand strand of circRNA
7 thickStart .
8 thickEnd .
9 itemRgb .
10 blockCount number of exons in circRNA
11 blockSizes block size of each exon
12 blockStarts block start of each exon

Copyright (C) 2021 Zelin Liu ([email protected]). See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.


a tool for full-length circRNA isoform construction based on convolutional neural network







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