circFL-refine: a tool for full-length circRNA isoform construction based on convolutional neural network
circFL-refine is a circRNA analysis pipeline to evaluate and correct full-length structure of circRNA isoform
circFL-refine is a free software, which can be downloaded from
Well trained human and mouse donor/acceptor models are available at
Curated datasets of full-length circRNA isoforms are visalized at UCSC, including isoforms from human and mouse
Curated datasets of full-length circRNA isoforms are available at
Full-length circRNA nanopore simulation data can be generated by circFL-simu
Python 3.x.x and corresponding versions of numpy, pandas, torch, pyfasta, scikit-learn, docopt.
Install latest release from pip
pip install circFL-refine
Install latest release from source codes
git clone
cd circFL-refine/script
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
Users can prepare the external files under the following instructions:
Indexed genome fasta file
samtools faidx $genome
Usage: circFL-refine <command> [options]
train Train CNN models to predict donor and acceptor sites
evaluate Evaluate full-length circRNA isoforms
correct Correct mistaken circRNA isoforms
Usage: circFL-refine train -f circ -g genome [-l lines] [-e epoch] [-o output]
-h --help Show help message.
-v --version Show version.
-f circ BED format file contain full-length circRNA information.
-g genome Fasta file of genome.
-l lines=K Only use first K lines for training, e.g. 30000.
-e epoch Number of epoch for training [default: 1].
-o output Output dir [default: circFL_refine].
Usage: circFL-refine evaluate -f circ -g genome [-d donor_model] [-a acceptor_model] [-o output]
-h --help Show help message.
-v --version Show version.
-f circ BED format file contain full-length circRNA information.
-g genome Fasta file of genome.
-d donor_model Donor model file, output of train commond.
-a acceptor_model Acceptor model file, output of train commond.
-o output Output dir [default: circFL_refine].
Usage: circFL-refine correct -f circ -g genome -d donor_model -a acceptor_model [-e mistake] [-i dist] [-o output]
-h --help Show help message.
-v --version Show version.
-f circ Evaluation result of full-length circRNA, output of evaluate commond.
-g genome Fasta file of genome.
-d donor_model Donor model file, output of train commond.
-a acceptor_model Acceptor model file, output of train commond.
-e mistake=k Isoforms with less than k mistaken splice site to be corrected [default: 1].
-i dist Maximum distance of nearby predicted splice site [default: 20].
-o output Output dir [default: circFL_refine].
File name | Details |
---|---| | acceptor splice site prediction model from train | | donor splice site prediction model from train |
fl_evaluate.txt | evaluate results |
fl_correct.detail | details of correct results |
fl_correct.bed | corrected BED file from correct |
No. | Column name | Details |
1 | chrom | chromosome |
2 | chromStart | start coordinate of circRNA |
3 | chromEnd | end coordinate of circRNA |
4 | name | isoform ID |
5 | score | 0 |
6 | strand | strand of circRNA |
7 | thickStart | . |
8 | thickEnd | . |
9 | itemRgb | . |
10 | blockCount | number of exons in circRNA |
11 | blockSizes | block size of each exon |
12 | blockStarts | block start of each exon |
13 | donorSite | corrdinate of donor splice site |
14 | donorMotif | motif of donor splice site |
15 | donorPredict | prediction score of donor splice site |
16 | donorPredictMin | minium prediction score of donor splice site |
17 | acceptorSite | corrdinate of acceptor splice site |
18 | acceptorMotif | motif of acceptor splice site |
19 | acceptorPredict | prediction score of acceptor splice site |
20 | acceptorPredictMin | minium prediction score of acceptor splice site |
Isoforms with donorPredictMin>0.5 and acceptorPredictMin>0.5 are considered as evaluate passed.
No. | Column name | Details |
1 | chrom | chromosome |
2 | chromStart | start coordinate of circRNA |
3 | chromEnd | end coordinate of circRNA |
4 | name | isoform ID |
5 | score | 0 |
6 | strand | strand of circRNA |
7 | thickStart | . |
8 | thickEnd | . |
9 | itemRgb | . |
10 | blockCount | number of exons in circRNA |
11 | blockSizes | block size of each exon |
12 | blockStarts | block start of each exon |
13 | donorSite | corrdinate of donor splice site |
14 | donorMotif | motif of donor splice site |
15 | donorPredict | prediction score of donor splice site |
16 | donorPredictMin | minium prediction score of donor splice site |
17 | acceptorSite | corrdinate of acceptor splice site |
18 | acceptorMotif | motif of acceptor splice site |
19 | acceptorPredict | prediction score of acceptor splice site |
20 | acceptorPredictMin | minium prediction score of acceptor splice site |
21 | correct_donorSite | corrdinate of corrected donor splice site |
22 | correct_acceptorSite | corrdinate of corrected acceptor splice site |
23 | dN | number of mistaken donor splice site |
24 | aN | number of mistaken acceptor splice site |
25 | dM | maximum distance of corrected donor splice site to original site |
26 | aM | maximum distance of corrected acceptor splice site to original site |
No. | Column name | Details |
1 | chrom | chromosome |
2 | chromStart | start coordinate of circRNA |
3 | chromEnd | end coordinate of circRNA |
4 | name | isoform ID |
5 | score | 0 |
6 | strand | strand of circRNA |
7 | thickStart | . |
8 | thickEnd | . |
9 | itemRgb | . |
10 | blockCount | number of exons in circRNA |
11 | blockSizes | block size of each exon |
12 | blockStarts | block start of each exon |
Copyright (C) 2021 Zelin Liu ([email protected]). See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.