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Official homepage of Yamagata Developers Society


Recommended install Node Version Manager (nvm)

  • NodeJS (Version 9 or greater recommended, built with 9.11.1)
  • npm (Version 6.9.0 or grater recommended, build with 6.9.0)
  • GatsbyCLI
$ nvm install && nvm use
$ npm install --global gatsby-cli


$ git clone
$ cd blog
$ npm install && npm start

Available Commands

  1. npm start
  • Alias command for gatsby develop. Builds development assets and starts local server at http://localhost:8000/
  1. npm run build
  • Builds production assets without development server. Use simple-server to run local server with production assets. Note: pathPrefix: '/blog', is automatically added to production asset paths for deployment with github pages.
  1. npm run clean
  • Removes public directory. Useful if you're having problems with changes not showing up. Use npm run fullclean to remove /public and .cache folders.
  1. npm run deploy
  • Reserved command for site administrators. Builds production assets and deploys to github pages via gh-pages branch.

Adding articles

I. Create a branch using the following branch name format:


II. To create a new article, add an .md file to /src/content/ folder. New posts require a frontmatter section. For example:

layout: post
title: 'Learning XYZ'
author: 'The Great Gatsby'
tags: ['tutorial'] // lowercase and comma-separated
image: 'img/cover01.jpg'
date: '2018-12-01T18:00:00.000Z'
draft: false

III. For images, add your image to the /src/content/img/ folder. Include a relative path to your image as follows: img/cover01.jpg. Gatsby will do the rest.

IV. If you are a new author or add a new tag, make sure you update the src/content/author.yaml and src/content/tag.yaml files, respectively.

V. Finally, commit your changes and create a Pull Request, and a site administrator will review your changes before deploying.


If you are getting strange starup errors, or your changes are not showing up try the following:

$ npm run clean
$ gatsby develop

This will remove the public directory.

A second option is to try removing the .cache folder:

$ rimraf .cache
$ gatsby develop

In both cases, gatsby develop command will rebuild /public and .cache directories.


Yamagata Developers Society Homepage







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