This package provides first-class subtypes for OCaml, analogous to Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs).
GADTS support first-class type equality witnesses, so that a value (a, b) Type.eq
is a run-time warrant that a
and b
are equal.
Analogously, this package supports first-class subtyping witnesses, so that a value (a, b) Subtype.t
is a run-time warrant that a
is a subtype of b
The following paper describes the implementation of first-class subtypes, along with a number of motivating examples, including covariant lazy values, iterations over arrays of elements of distinct types, and proofs of variance:
First-Class Subtypes (pdf)
Jeremy Yallop and Stephen Dolan
ML/OCaml 2017
The implementation depends on the experimental modular implicits extension to OCaml. The modified compiler and this library can be installed as follows:
opam switch 4.02.1+modular-implicits
opam pin add subtypes
The tests directory has a number of examples.