Summarize and edit Teams Timecards
This is the settings used to initialize this repo
dotnet new blazorwasm -o TeamsTimecardHelperClient -f net7.0 -au Individual --client-id 80dd4c35-6e75-4ec5-96ee-d97f88d077d8 --calls-graph
As well as this to get the AzureAD/MSAL part after commiting
dotnet new blazorwasm -o TeamsTimecardHelperClient -f net7.0 -au SingleOrg --client-id 80dd4c35-6e75-4ec5-96ee-d97f88d077d8 --calls-graph --force
cd TeamsTimecardHelperClient
dotnet watch
When developing on Radzen, dot a dotnet build
in the Radzen folder at least once to make the css available.
npx @azure/static-web-apps-cli build
npx @azure/static-web-apps-cli deploy --env Test
See for installation details.
dotnet outdated -vl major -u:auto