- (Completed)CBOW and Skip-gram
- (TODO)Convolutional Neural Network for Sentence Classification
- (TODO)Character-lever Convolutional Neural Netword for Sentence Classfication
- (TODO)Implementation of LSTM Cell and show how its better than RNN
- (TODO)Character-Aware Neural Language Models
- (TODO)Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
- (TODO)A Neural Conversation Model
- (TODO)Attention is all you need
- (TODO)Deep contextualized word representations (EMLO)
- (ETA 12/13) Towards Debiasing Sentence Representations
- http://masatohagiwara.net/100-nlp-papers/ : 100 must read papers on NLP
- ACL Accepted Paper : https://acl2020.org/program/accepted/