More details about each project can be found on my website.
- Advent of Code - My solutions for all Advent of Codes that I've participated in.
- - My personal website which contians my blog and projects.
- Bear Blog Replacement Template - A Markdown blog template in Next.js designed to be a self-hosted replacement to Bear Blog that's easy to set up and supports LaTeX with KaTeX.
- bettermailto - Created a no-code replacement for the annoying mailto function.
- classless-css - A collection of hand-made classless CSS themes made by me!
- cloudclassifier - A simple cloud classifier for - Practical Deep Learning for Coders - Lesson 2.
- Effective Altruism Data - An effective altruism data visualizer.
- gallpeters - Created a simple API for generating customizable maps.
- Hackathon Code - All the hackathon codes that I've worked on (along with others).
- Liars in the Miller-Rabin Primality Test - Did research into liars in the Miller-Rabin primality test.
- youthree - An unemployment rate visualizer for the U.S. and the U.K.
- Variational Autoencoders - Experiments in VAEs.