- etcd
- fleet
- registry
- Install aws-cli client
- aws client needs to be configured with an AWS credential.
aws configure
- Get AWS ssh private key for the 'coreoscluster01' keypair in s3, and then
it. Alternatively, generate your own key pair and upload it to our AWS account (you'll need to refer to this key in the create_stack command below).
aws/ stackname
aws/ stackname
aws/ stackname
Get a public hostname or ip from one of your new instances from the AWS console (todo: with aws cli command line instructions)
By Default, the SSH is only allowed from the IP address that you provisioned the stack. If you use a different machine, go to the cosole to change the security group rules for port 22. Group name looks like -CoreOSSecurityGroup-.
- Login to a machine
ssh -i <key>.pem [email protected]
- Remote access in to a machine
export FLEETCTL_TUNNEL={resolvable address of one of the cloud instances}
You can test some changes to your cloud without needing to destroy and re-create. SCP your file to a host and:
sudo /usr/bin/coreos-cloudinit --from-file /tmp/user-data.yml
aws/ stackname