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Deploy Concourse

xtreme-steve-elliott edited this page Jul 12, 2018 · 2 revisions

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In this section, you'll install Concourse, a Continuous Integration tool, on your local machine using Docker. We'll use this to build, test, and deploy the .NET app to Cloud Foundry.

First, find the particular flavour of Docker suitable for your OS, and then install/start it using the instructions on the description page.

Once you've run

docker version

and have seen it succeed, you can proceed.

Note: On Windows, if Docker prompts you to logout to complete installation, agree. It may also prompt you upon starting it for the first time, asking if you want to enable Hyper-V and Containers. Say yes, and your machine will restart to enable them.

At this point, it is recommended that you create a dedicated folder that will the files/tools we'll need for working with pipelines and Cloud Foundry. For the purposes of this guide, the folder will be referred to as tools-folder. Once it is created, we need to add its location to our environment for Linux, Mac or Windows.

Next, retrieve the Docker Compose file from Concourse's site, placing it in tools-folder, and run

docker-compose up -d

in your terminal from that directory. Concourse should now be running on Visiting it will present you with the web UI for Concourse.

Note: On Windows, you may be prompted to allow network access for something called vpnkit. You should only need to enable it for private networks. Public network access shouldn't be required.

Lastly, download fly CLI from the web UI and place the excutable in tools-folder. One Windows, you'll want to additionally right-click on fly.exe and, under Properties, unblock it. Once that is done, set your Concourse target:

fly -t targetname login -c -u test -p test

where targetname is whatever you want your target name to be.

Note: The last two arguments (-u and -p) are the credentials of the default account installed with Concourse.

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