This is an official implementation of Multi-hop Attention Graph Neural Network (IJCAI2021).
- python >= 3.7
- torch >= 1.4.0
- numpy == 1.17.2
- dgl-cu101 == 0.4.3
Node classification
datasets: Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed (from DGL dataset)
codes --> node classification (
Knowledge Graph Completion
datasets: Freebase237-15k and WordNet18RR (from
codes_kge --> KG emebdding (all the pakages with 'kge' are used for Knowledge graph embedding) (
parametertuning --> random search based hyper-parameter tuning
- in_feats: dimension of input node features (for KG embedding: in_ent_feats, in_rel_feats represent the dimension of
- entity embedding and relation embedding, respectively)
- hidden_dim: dimension of hidden dimension
- num_heads: head number of multi-head attention,
- alpha: transition probability in personal page-rank (0.05 ~ 0.25, data dependent)
- hop_num: number of iterations to approximate (3 ~ 10, data dependent)
- feat_drop: dropout ratio over the feature (input node features)
- attn_drop: dropout ratio over attention matrix
- topk_type='local': if the degree as nodes is large. ('local': select top-k for each head, otherwise select top-k
- shared by all heads)
- top_k=-1: top-k neighbor selection, -1 means no 'top-k' selection is performed
@inproceedings{wang2020multi, title={Multi-hop Attention Graph Neural Network}, author={Wang, Guangtao and Ying, Zhitao and Huang, Jing and Leskovec, Jure}, booktitle={International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, year={2021} }
- GAT in DGL:
- APPNP:, (DGL implementation)
- RotatE: