A basic gulp.js + wordpress workflow
- SASS to CSS conversion
- Concatenation
- Compression
- Error handling
- Separating of vendor and custom SASS/CSS files
- Sourcemaps(disabled by default)
- Concatenation
- Compression
- Error handling
- Separating of vendor and custom JS files
- Sourcemaps(disabled by default)
- Optimization of images
- File types: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .svg
- Changes in files to recompile
- File types: .css, .html, .php, .js
- add gulpfile.js and package.json in your root folder
- run npm install
- Theme task - run gulp theme
- Admin task - run gulp admin
To enable it, uncomment the following codes:
- .pipe(sourcemaps.init())
- .pipe(sourcemaps.write(''))