Remove all background colors to make nvim transparent.
Same as other normal plugins, use your favorite plugin manager to install.
Avoid lazy-loading this plugin to ensure the highlight-clearing logic is triggered. The plugin's function runs quickly.
All available options:
-- Optional, you don't have to run setup.
-- table: default groups
groups = {
'Normal', 'NormalNC', 'Comment', 'Constant', 'Special', 'Identifier',
'Statement', 'PreProc', 'Type', 'Underlined', 'Todo', 'String', 'Function',
'Conditional', 'Repeat', 'Operator', 'Structure', 'LineNr', 'NonText',
'SignColumn', 'CursorLine', 'CursorLineNr', 'StatusLine', 'StatusLineNC',
-- table: additional groups that should be cleared
extra_groups = {},
-- table: groups you don't want to clear
exclude_groups = {},
-- function: code to be executed after highlight groups are cleared
-- Also the user event "TransparentClear" will be triggered
on_clear = function() end,
Normally, you don't need to call setup. There are two better ways for configuration.
Add additional highlight groups by explicitly assigning the variable g:transparent_groups
For example, if you want to add group ExtraGroup
, you can do it like this:
vim.g.transparent_groups = vim.list_extend(vim.g.transparent_groups or {}, { "ExtraGroup" })
-- vimscript: let g:transparent_groups = extend(get(g:, 'transparent_groups', []), ["ExtraGroup"])
You can execute this statement anywhere and as many times as you want, without worrying about whether the plugin has already been loaded or not.
Here is an example about akinsho/bufferline.nvim. Simply copy it and paste it after initializing bufferline in your configuration.
vim.g.transparent_groups = vim.list_extend(
vim.g.transparent_groups or {},
return v.hl_group
end, vim.tbl_values(require('bufferline.config').highlights))
Some plugins define highlights dynamically, especially the highlights of icons. e.g. BufferLineDevIcon*, lualine_*_DevIcon*.
So, this plugin provide a helper function clear_prefix
. It will clear all highlight groups starting with the prefix.
For some plugins of ui, you would like to clear all highlights. At this point you should use clear_prefix
This plugin will provide a global variable: g:transparent_enabled
(lua: vim.g.transparent_enabled
Some plugins or themes support setting transparency, and you can use this variable as a flag.
eg: require("tokyonight").setup{ transparent = vim.g.transparent_enabled }
NOTE: The plugin will cache and automatically apply transparency settings, so you only need to call the following command.
You can try adding this highlight group to the options:
extra_groups = {
"NormalFloat", -- plugins which have float panel such as Lazy, Mason, LspInfo
"NvimTreeNormal" -- NvimTree
It is not recommended to set the floating window to be transparent, it will become very weird, and everything will be mixed together.
For more information: