This plugin provides a nice and easy way to create simple internal messaging system in your application.
This is a fork of xinuc’s has_messages, which adds e-mail notification support.
These instructions will show you how to use the plugin.
Run the generator from your RAILS_ROOT:
./script/generate has_messages
This will create:
Model: RAILS_ROOT/app/models/message.rb Migration: RAILS_ROOT/db/migrate/xxx_create_messages.rb
If you would like to add e-mail notification support so that users will receive an e-mail upon a new message entering their mailbox, use the following instead:
./script/generate has_messages --email
This will create the necessary models for email notification.
And you will need to run a database migration from your RAILS_ROOT:
rake db:migrate
Other than running ./script/generate has_messages –email
All you need to do is to make sure your ActionMailer configuration is added to your environment
Remember to edit the template of the email at app/views/notifier/message_notification.html.erb to take into account the attributes of your User model
add has_messages
to your user-like model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_messages ... end
or yes, just any activerecord models:
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_messages ... end
To get the messages:
user = User.find some_id user.inbox # will return all messages received by the user user.outbox # will return all messages sent by the user user.has_new_messages? # return true if the user has unread messages user.new_messages # return all unread messages
and you can add options to the methods, like:
user.inbox :limit => 20 # will return last 20 received messages
to read the message:
message = user.read_message(message_id) # receive a message_id (generally from the request's params) and return the message object # this method will set the message as read subject = message.subject sender = message.sender body = message.body # return the body of the message (string) sent_at = message.sent_at
to send a message:
me = User.find some_id delilah = User.find some_other_id subject = "Hi there Delilah" body = "What's it like in New York city??" me.send_message(delilah, subject, body) # send_message(receiver, subject, body)
to delete the message
user.delete_message(message_id) # receive a message_id and set the message as trashed, # delete the record if the message has been trashed by both sender and receiver. # don't use <tt>message.destroy</tt> directly, cause it will delete the message # both from the receiver's inbox and sender's outbox. The users will be confused :-(
To reply to a message
message = Message.find some_id user = User.find some_id user.reply_message(message, subject, body)
To get all replies belonging to a message
user = User.find some_id user.get_replies(message_id)
Run the following command in your RAILS_ROOT:
./script/plugin install git://
Or, simply get the tarball at:
extract it to your vendor/plugins and rename it to ‘has_messages’
If you find any bugs, submit your patches or request any features, drop me an email: [email protected]