Powershell script to automate wireless adb connection. It uses Nmap to find open ports for the wireless adb in the port range of 30000-60000.
- Nmap
- Static IP address on your android devices
Go to Wifi Settings
Click on the Gear icon of your home network
Tap and hold on the network > Click on modify.
Click on IP settings and select Static
Enter your IP address, Gateway, DNS 1 & 2.
Click on save.
Enter your static device IP in the
Use command
adb pair *Static IP*:port
Then enter the pairing code to pair the deivce if you haven't already.
Place both the
scripts to System32 folder
- Optional : Disable ADB authorisation timeout to make sure that your device doesn't need to do the pairing process on a regular basis.
Type adbw
in either powershell or command prompt.