- ack.vim - for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
- bufexplorer - Buffer Explorer / Browser
- c.vim - C/C++ IDE -- Write and run programs. Insert statements, idioms, comments etc
- closetag - Functions and mappings to close open HTML/XML tags
- command-t - provides an extremely fast, intuitive mechanism for opening files
- delimitMate - provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc
- endwise - wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc
- fugitive - Git wrapper
- html5.vim - HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax
- indent guides - visually displaying indent levels in code
- matchit - extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many other languages
- neocomplcache - Ultimate auto-completion system
- nerd commenter - for intensely orgasmic commenting
- nerd tree - tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem
- jquery.vim - Syntax file for jQuery
- python.vim - Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script
- rainbow parenthesis - highlights matching parenthesis with a rainbow of colors
- rails.vim - Ruby on Rails power tools
- supertab - Perform all your vim insert mode completions with Tab
- surround - quoting/parenthesizing made simple
- syntastic - Syntax checking hacks for vim
- tabbar - add tab bar (derived from miniBufExplorer)
- tagbar - displays tags in a window, ordered by class etc
- vim-javascript - Vastly improved vim's javascript indentation
- zencoding - for high-speed HTML, XML, XSL, etc coding and editing
- required bycommand-t
- required byack.vim
- required bytagbar
The following command is for ArchLinux. Package names and install tools may differ in other distributions.
$ sudo yaourt -S ack ctags
Note: The following commands should be executed in yout home directory.
Backup your own vim files.
$ mv .vim .vim.bak
$ mv .vimrc .vimrc.bak
Clone this repository.
$ git clone [email protected]:qiao/vimfiles.git
$ mv vimfiles .vim
Create link for .vimrc
$ ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
Update the submodules.
$ cd .vim
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
Install Command-T:
$ cd bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
$ ruby extconf.rb
$ make
- F4 -> indentations guides
- F5 -> Nerd-Tree file viewer
- F6 -> tagbar
- <c-j> -> zencoding expansion
- <c-o> -> Command-T