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a spark extensions to help analyze abtest experiments based on raw data


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spark-abtest provides a series of concise, performant and useful functions for data scientist/analyst to analysis A/B TEST(abtest) on Apache Spark.

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spark-abtest is a SparkSessionExtensions, you can use it in most spark clients like spark-sql/spark-shell/spark-submit/pyspark/spark-connect with some extra configurations.

--conf spark.jars=target/scala-2.12/spark-abtest-0.1.0-3.5.0_2.12.jar \ 
--conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.spark.sql.extra.AbtestExtensions

you can download the corresponding spark and scala version jar from releases.

for example, in spark-shell

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell \
  --conf spark.jars=target/scala-2.12/spark-abtest-0.1.0-3.5.0_2.12.jar \
  --conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.spark.sql.extra.AbtestExtensions

all functions

  • prop_test(y, t, confLevel = 0.95, alternative = ‘two-sided’, varEqual = false, removeNaN = true, correct = true)

  • ttest(y, t, confLevel = 0.95, alternative = ‘two-sided’, varEqual = false, removeNaN = true)

  • cuped(y, t, x, confLevel = 0.95, alternative = ‘two-sided’, varEqual = false, removeNaN = true)

  • ols(y, X, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘const’, removeNaN = true)

  • anova(y, t, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘const’, removeNaN = true)

  • ancova1(y, t, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘const’, removeNaN = true)

  • ancova2(y, t, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘const’, removeNaN = true)

  • cluster_ols(y, X, cid, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘HC1’, removeNaN = true)

  • cluster_anova(y, t, x, cid, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘HC1’, removeNaN = true)

  • cluster_ancova1(y, t, x, cid, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘HC1’, removeNaN = true)

  • cluster_ancova2(y, t, x, cid, confLevel = 0.95, stdErrorType = ‘HC1’, removeNaN = true)

  • avg_rank(): like rank(), but return average rank rather than min rank when ties

except avg_rank(window rank), all functions are aggregate functions.


  • y: metrics variable, double type, prop_test also accept boolean metrics col
  • t: treat variable
    • two arms (A/B test): numeric type of 0/1, or boolean type
    • multi arm(A/B/C… test):
      • wrapped by factor(t, array('t0', 't1', 't2')), the array is different values of t
      • the first is base group
      • ttest does’t accept multi treatment
  • x: control variable, double type
  • confLevel: confidence level of the interval, default value is 0.95
  • alternative: a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of “two.sided” (default), “greater” or “less”. You can specify just the initial letter.
  • varEqual: is used to estimate the variance otherwise the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation to the degrees of freedom is used
  • removeNaN: if true, any of y/t/x contains nan, the corresponding row will be removed, like na.action = ‘omit’
  • stdErrorType: a character string specifying the estimation type, for ols/anova/ancova1/ancova2, default is const, for cluster_ols/anova/ancova1/ancova2, default is HC1


  • two arms (A/B test): return a struct with some fields:
    • delta: the estimated difference in means of y
    • stderr: the standard error of the mean (difference), used as denominator in the t-statistic formula
    • tvalue: the value of the t-statistic, equal to delta / tvalue
    • pvalue: the p-value for the test
    • lower: lower confidence limits for delta
    • upper upper confidence limits for delta
    • y0: mean of y in the treat group (t = 0)
    • y1: mean of y in the control group (t = 1)
    • x0: mean of x in the treat groups (t = 0)
    • x1: mean of x in the treat group (t = 0)
    • theta: for cuped only
    • my: mean of y in the corresponding treat group
    • mx: mean of x in the corresponding treat group
  • multi arm (A/B/C… test): return an array of struct for each treat



from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = (
    .config("spark.jars", "spark-abtest-0.1.0-3.5.0_2.12.jar")
    .config("spark.sql.extensions", "org.apache.spark.sql.extra.AbtestExtensions")
N = 100000
theta = 0.4
sdf = spark.sql(f"""
select user_id, t, mt, y, x
       ,x * {theta} + randn() as y2 -- continuous response variable, and correlation with x
  from (
       select id as user_id
              ,if(rand() < 0.5, 1.0, 0.0) as t -- treat/control group = 0.5:0.5
              ,case when rand() < 0.4 then 't0'
                    when rand() < 0.7 then 't1' 
                    else 't2' end as mt -- multi treat: base/t1/t2 = 0.4:0.3:0.3
              ,if(rand() < 0.1, 1.0, 0.0) as y --0/1 response variable, like is_visit, is_click...
              ,randn() as x --control variable
         from range({N})      
       ) t1     
pdf = sdf.toPandas() # local pandas dataframe
user_id t mt y x y2
0 0 1.0 t0 0.0 -0.64626599 1.54772415
1 1 0.0 t0 0.0 -0.85735783 1.62497210
2 2 0.0 t0 0.0 0.63050955 -0.73287976
3 3 1.0 t0 0.0 0.98298468 0.44892532
4 4 0.0 t1 0.0 -0.83978164 -1.26275208

0/1 response: prop test/chisq test

two arm

spark.sql("select prop_test(y, t) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
estimate pvalue lower upper chisq
0 [0.09937538912654897, 0.10111732956242904] 0.36465656 -0.00200086 0.00548474 0.82179266
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
observed = pd.crosstab(pdf['y'], pdf['t'])
chi2, p, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(observed)
(p, chi2)
(0.3646565557469007, 0.8217926576217617)

in addition to p-values and chisq, spark-abtest, also provides confidence intervals (for more detail, refer to prop.test or chisq.test function in R) and mean response ratio for each treat.

multi arm

spark.sql("select prop_test(y, factor(mt, array('t0', 't1', 't2'))) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
estimate pvalue lower upper chisq
0 [0.10143841774048547, 0.10020523100420008, 0.0... 0.38456362 NaN NaN 1.91129209
observed = pd.crosstab(pdf['y'], pdf['mt'])
chi2, p, dof, expected = chi2_contingency(observed)
(p, chi2)
(0.38456361940111916, 1.9112920872850279)

continuous response: ttest

two arms and unequal variance, aka Welch’s t-test

spark.sql("select ttest(y2, t) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper y0 y1
0 -0.00240728 0.00683655 -0.35211824 0.72475033 -0.01580684 0.01099229 -0.00010504 -0.00251232
from scipy import stats
x = pdf[pdf['t'] == 1.0]['y2']
y = pdf[pdf['t'] == 0.0]['y2']
ret = stats.ttest_ind(x, y, equal_var=False)
ci = ret.confidence_interval(0.95)
f"tvalue: {ret.statistic:.6f}, pvalue: {ret.pvalue:.6f}, lower: {ci.low:.6f}, upper: {ci.high:.6f}"
'tvalue: -0.352118, pvalue: 0.724750, lower: -0.015807, upper: 0.010992'

two arms and equal variance

spark.sql("select ttest(y2, t, 0.95, 'two-sided', true) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper y0 y1
0 -0.00240728 0.00683657 -0.35211763 0.72475079 -0.01580686 0.01099231 -0.00010504 -0.00251232

this actually equal to anova or ols

spark.sql("select anova(y2, t) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # inline expand array of struct
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper my0 my
0 -0.00240728 0.00683657 -0.35211763 0.72475079 -0.01580686 0.01099231 -0.00010504 -0.00251232
spark.sql("select inline(ols(y2, array(1.0, t))) from sdf").toPandas()
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper
0 -0.00010504 0.00484427 -0.02168431 0.98269982 -0.00959976 0.00938967
1 -0.00240728 0.00683657 -0.35211763 0.72475079 -0.01580686 0.01099231
python scipy.stat
from scipy import stats
x = pdf[pdf['t'] == 1.0]['y2']
y = pdf[pdf['t'] == 0.0]['y2']
ret = stats.ttest_ind(x, y)
ci = ret.confidence_interval(0.95)
f"tvalue: {ret.statistic:.6f}, pvalue: {ret.pvalue:.6f}, lower: {ci.low:.6f}, upper: {ci.high:.6f}"
'tvalue: -0.352118, pvalue: 0.724751, lower: -0.015807, upper: 0.010992'

mannwhitneyua test

from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu
_, p = mannwhitneyu(x, y)

select ttest(y2_rank, t).pvalue as mannwhitneyu_pvalue
  from (
       select avg_rank() over (order by y2) as y2_rank
         from sdf
       ) t1
0 0.63485152

multi arm: anova

ttest is not suitable for more than two treatment groups, in spark-abtest, use anova instead

spark.sql("select inline(anova(y2, factor(mt, array('t0', 't1', 't2')))) from sdf").toPandas() # inline expand array of struct
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper my
0 -0.00320884 0.00540173 -0.59403883 0.55248749 -0.01379615 0.00737848 -0.00320884
1 0.00752212 0.00755395 0.99578717 0.31935597 -0.00728352 0.02232777 0.00431329
2 -0.00696294 0.00969043 -0.71853771 0.47242748 -0.02595606 0.01203018 -0.01017177
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols

anova = ols('y2 ~ C(mt)', data=pdf).fit().summary()

Variance Reduction: cuped/ancova1/ancova2

refer deep-dive-into-variance-reduction or alexdeng book chapter 10

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: f'{x:,.8f}')
spark.sql("select ttest(y2, t) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper y0 y1
0 -0.00240728 0.00683655 -0.35211824 0.72475033 -0.01580684 0.01099229 -0.00010504 -0.00251232
spark.sql("select cuped(y2, t, x) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper y0 y1 x0 x1 theta
0 -0.00250543 0.00633984 -0.39518820 0.69270484 -0.01493143 0.00992058 -0.00010504 -0.00251232 0.00021016 0.00045288 0.40439612
spark.sql("select ancova1(y2, t, x) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper my0 my mx0 mx
0 -0.00250543 0.00633990 -0.39518449 0.69270758 -0.01493155 0.00992069 -0.00010504 -0.00251232 0.00021016 0.00045288
spark.sql("select ancova2(y2, t, x) as ret from sdf").select("ret.*").toPandas() # select("ret.*") to expand all struct fields
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper my0 my mx0 mx
0 -0.00250543 0.00633993 -0.39518271 0.69270890 -0.01493161 0.00992075 -0.00010504 -0.00251232 0.00021016 0.00045288

randomization unit > analysis unit: delta method or cluster-robust standard error

when randomization unit is larger than analysis unit, usually we need to use delta method or cluster-robust variance estimator. functions prefixed with `cluster`` can handle these problems.

sample data

randomization unit is user_id and analysis unit is user_id + visit_id

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

num_user = 1000
lambda_ = 10
pcdf_ = pd.DataFrame({
    "user_id": range(num_user),  # each user may have multi visit
    # treat/control group = 0.5:0.5
    "num_visit": np.random.poisson(lambda_, size=num_user),
    "t": np.random.choice([0.0, 1.0], p=[0.5, 0.5], size=num_user),
    "mt": np.random.choice(
        ['t0', 't1', 't2'],
        p=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3],
    ),  # multi treat: base/t1/t2 = 0.4:0.3:0.3,
    # 0/1 respone variable, like is_visti, is_click...
    "mp": np.random.uniform(size=num_user),
    "mx": np.random.randn(num_user),  # control variable

def visit_df(idf_):
    idf = idf_.iloc[0]
    num_visit = idf['num_visit']
    y = np.random.choice(
        [0.0, 1.0], p=[1.0 - idf['mp'], idf['mp']], size=num_visit)
    x = np.random.normal(idf['mx'], size=num_visit)
    my2 = idf['mx'] * theta + np.random.randn()
    y2 = np.random.normal(my2, size=num_visit) 
    ret = pd.DataFrame({
        "user_id": idf["user_id"],
        "visit_id": range(num_visit),
        "t": idf["t"],
        "mt": idf["mt"],
        "y": y,
        "x": x,
        "y2": y2
    return ret

pcdf = pcdf_.groupby("user_id", group_keys=False).apply(visit_df)
scdf = spark.createDataFrame(pcdf)
user_id visit_id t mt y x y2
0 0 0 0.00000000 t0 1.00000000 -2.00802713 -1.70662868
1 0 1 0.00000000 t0 1.00000000 -2.74050928 -0.55966320
2 0 2 0.00000000 t0 1.00000000 -2.34139859 -1.58488664
3 0 3 0.00000000 t0 1.00000000 -1.97814922 -1.20993685
4 0 4 0.00000000 t0 1.00000000 -2.32212300 -1.17054778

0/1 or continuous response: cluster_ttest

spark.sql("select cluster_ttest(y2, t, user_id) as ret from scdf").select("ret.*").toPandas()
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper my0 my
0 0.01441253 0.07627543 0.18895374 0.85013291 -0.13510268 0.16392773 -0.03379021 -0.01937769

delta method with variance reduction

spark.sql("select cluster_ancova1(y2, t, x, user_id) as ret from scdf").select("ret.*").toPandas()
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper my0 my mx0 mx
0 0.00309024 0.07224579 0.04277391 0.96588261 -0.13852608 0.14470655 -0.03379021 -0.01937769 -0.06156514 -0.01019905
spark.sql("select cluster_ancova2(y2, t, x, user_id) as ret from scdf").select("ret.*").toPandas()
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper my0 my mx0 mx
0 0.00312417 0.07226738 0.04323066 0.96551853 -0.13853445 0.14478279 -0.03379021 -0.01937769 -0.06156514 -0.01019905


spark.sql("select inline(ols(y2, array(1.0, t, x, t * x))) from scdf").toPandas()
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper
0 -0.01991035 0.02028927 -0.98132440 0.32645656 -0.05968141 0.01986070
1 0.00272057 0.02928153 0.09291066 0.92597640 -0.05467713 0.06011826
2 0.22544998 0.01383548 16.29505891 0.00000000 0.19832965 0.25257031
3 -0.01093015 0.02040205 -0.53573755 0.59215188 -0.05092228 0.02906199
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

ret = smf.ols(formula='y2 ~ t * x', data=pcdf).fit().summary().tables[1]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
1 Intercept -0.0199 0.020 -0.981 0.326 -0.060 0.020
2 t 0.0027 0.029 0.093 0.926 -0.055 0.060
3 x 0.2254 0.014 16.295 0.000 0.198 0.253
4 t:x -0.0109 0.020 -0.536 0.592 -0.051 0.029
spark.sql("select inline(cluster_ols(y2, array(1.0, t, x, t * x), user_id)) from scdf").toPandas()
delta stderr tvalue pvalue lower upper
0 -0.01991035 0.05397288 -0.36889552 0.71221342 -0.12570808 0.08588737
1 0.00272057 0.07213233 0.03771632 0.96991462 -0.13867333 0.14411447
2 0.22544998 0.03126138 7.21177413 0.00000000 0.16417138 0.28672857
3 -0.01093015 0.04018747 -0.27197896 0.78564382 -0.08970569 0.06784539
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

fit = smf.ols(formula='y2 ~ t * x', data=pcdf).fit()
ret = fit.get_robustcov_results(cov_type='cluster', groups=pcdf['user_id']).summary().tables[1]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
1 Intercept -0.0199 0.054 -0.369 0.712 -0.126 0.086
2 t 0.0027 0.072 0.038 0.970 -0.139 0.144
3 x 0.2254 0.031 7.212 0.000 0.164 0.287
4 t:x -0.0109 0.040 -0.272 0.786 -0.090 0.068