Radio button and Radio Group for Xamarin.Forms just works like Picker and it is bindable in XAML.
This Sample demonstrated using MVVM design pattern.
it is an extension to (
###Radio Group in Android ![Demo] (
###Radio Group in iOS ![Demo] (
###Radio Group in Windows Phone ![Demo] (
Xaml :
Reference the assembly namespace
Render your control:
<custom:BindableRadioGroup x:Name="MyRadiouGroup"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyList.Values}"
SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndex}" VerticalOptions="Start" />
To subscribe for Radio Button Checked event, follow this code.
Code behind of Xaml:
MyRadiouGroup.CheckedChanged += MyRadiouGroup_CheckedChanged;
void MyRadiouGroup_CheckedChanged(object sender, int e)
var radio = sender as CustomRadioButton;
if (radio == null || radio.Id == -1) return;
// Display selected value in Label
txtSelected.Text = radio.Text;
In The ViewModel, you need to provide the ItemSource as Dictionary of type <int, string>, Ex. Dictionary<int, string>();
private Dictionary<int, string> myList;
public Dictionary<int, string> MyList
get { return myList; }
myList = value;
private void LoadData()
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
MyList.Add(i, "Item " + i);
If you are stuck, let me know - @kirtisagar