A self-defining module generator plugin for bb-mt
First, you should install bb and this plugin:
$ npm install -g bb-mt bb-plugin-add
Next, create your own project folder and run init:
$ mkdir my-project && cd my-project
$ bb init
Now, We find .tpl in root path.
$ cd .tpl
Then, create bb.config.js
# bb.config.js
const componentConfig = {
source: './component/', // 模板源
output: './src/components/${HEAD_UPPER(name)}/', // 输出文件路径
queue: [
template: 'map.js', // 模板文件
filename: '../index.js', // 输出文件
progress: function (compiler) { // 钩子函数:[email protected]及以上支持
const content = "export { ${HEAD_UPPER(name)}, example as ${HEAD_UPPER(name)}Example} from './${HEAD_UPPER(name)}'";
// 在/** @bb-mt add */前插入内容
template: 'index.js',
filename: 'index.js'
template: 'component.vue',
filename: '${HEAD_UPPER(name)}.vue'
template: 'component.less',
filename: '${HEAD_UPPER(name)}.less'
template: 'componentConstants.js',
filename: '${HEAD_UPPER(name)}Constants.js'
template: 'example/index.js',
filename: 'example/index.js'
template: 'example/exampleCode.vue',
filename: 'example/exampleCode.vue'
template: 'example/exampleCodeConstants.js',
filename: 'example/exampleCodeConstants.js'
template: 'example/exampleCodeStyle.less',
filename: 'example/exampleCodeStyle.less'
module.exports = {
add: {
component: componentConfig
bb add component MyComponent
# For example, edit template file like this
# Entity name is ${name}
export { default as ${name}} from "${name}"
You can use build-in keywords below:
Your entity name.datetime
Datetime in os.fullname
Username in os.gitname
Username in git.email
Email of git.
You can set up self-defining keywords in config.json
MyComponent - mycomponentHEAD_UPPER
myComponent - MyComponentHEAD_LOWER
MyComponent - myComponentGAP_HYPHEN
MyComponent - -my-componentGAP_UNDERSCORE
MyComponent - _my_componentCSS_CLASS_HYPHEN_STYLE
MyComponent - my-component