Uses the Camelot system to either:
- suggest the next track (based on your current Master deck)
- Rekordbox takes 60 seconds (by default) to add the Master deck track to your history. See here for how to change this setting
- generate a new playlist from the given playlist name (or your whole collection) with the selections in a compatible key and tempo.
This assumes you have analyzed your collection using the Alphanumeric key notation.
- Q: Rekordbox already has a "Traffic Light" system that can suggest tracks to play that are in key, why do this?
- A: It sucks, and this program has a better set of rules that finds stuff that works more harmonically.
- Install rekordbox
- Set the key display format to Alphanumeric
- Analyze your tracks. I recommend using Mixed In Key (other key detection software makes this program mostly useless because they're almost always wrong)
- Install the command-line tools
- Install homebrew
- Install openssl:
brew install openssl@3
- Then, create symbolic links to the openssl library in
:sudo ln -svf /opt/homebrew/include/openssl /usr/local/include/
sudo ln -svf /opt/homebrew/lib/libcrypto.* /usr/local/lib/
- Then, create symbolic links to the openssl library in
- Install go 1.22.x
- clone this repo:
git clone
- switch to it's directory:
cd keyid
- install build dependencies:
go get
- build the app:
go build .
- run the app:
./keyid --help
to get usage instructions)
- [TODO]
- [TODO]
- At the moment, only the platforms upon which Rekordbox is supported work (Windows, Mac)
Usage of ./keyid:
Enable debug logging
-mode string
One of 'suggest' or 'generate' (default "suggest")
-playlist string
Name of Rekordbox Playlist to use (uses whole collection by default)
Randomize playlist before 'generate'
-startWith string
Some part of the Track Title to start with in 'generate' mode (otherwise
starts with first track in provided 'playlist')
- To suggest the next track based on what you're currently playing (lists all compatible tracks from your collection):
- To use an existing playlist for the pool of tracks to find:
./keyid -playlist 'My Cool Playlist 2024'
- You can also suggest based on the name of a track you want, instead of the one that's playing
./keyid -playlist 'My Cool Playlist 2024' -startWith 'Cafe Del Mar
- To generate a new playlist based on your whole collection (also accepts
./keyid -mode generate -playlist 'My Cool Playlist 2024' -startWith 'Cafe Del Mar'
- NOTE: You can provide a track to start with from your source playlist when in
mode. - NOTE: Generate mode can randomize the order of the tracks it looks at in the provided playlist, so you can run it multiple times to get a new selection if it doesn't generate something useful (see
flag) - NOTE: Track printout has 4 columns, BPM, Key, Energy, and Artist+Title, for example:
122 10A 6 Serious Dancers - In The Beginning (Hernan Cattaneo & Simply City Remix)
- Yes, I do. I used to do this manually in my head.
- Generate .m3u playlists in
mode - Multiplatform downloadable builds
- Support for other DJ Software (Serato, Virtual DJ, Engine DJ, Mixxx, etc)
- Better documentation