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XceedBoucherS edited this page Aug 19, 2022 · 24 revisions



Themes Usage Instructions

Installation and Usage Instructions

Please note: The Extended WPF Toolkit is dependent on .NET Framework 4.0( or .NET 5/6). You must install .NET Framework 4.0(or .NET 5/6) in order to use any features in the Toolkit.

Instructions for using the Extended WPF Toolkit binaries:

  1. Install .NET Framework 4.0(or .NET 5/6).
  2. Download the ExtendedWPFToolkit_Binaries
  3. Unblock the ZIP file.
    1. Right-click -> Properties -> Unblock
  4. Unzip the 5. Reference the binaries in your project:
    1. Reference WPFToolkit.Extended.dll in your project (Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.dll for the datagrid control)
    2. Add a using statement ("using Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit;" for most of the controls, "using Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid;" for the datagrid control) to the top of .cs files
    3. Add a new xmlns (xmlns:xctk="" for most of the controls, xmlns:xcdg="" for the datagrid control) to the top of XAML files
    4. Remember to use the namespace prefix (in the above example, <xctk: ...> or <xcdg: ...>) in the body of your XAML

Installation using NuGet

  1. Install NuGet (can be downloaded for this link).
  2. Open your Visual Studio.
  3. Open your solution/project.
  4. Open Tools menu, select Library Package Manager and select Package Manager Console
  5. Run the following command Install-Package Extended.Wpf.Toolkit
    1. Add a using statement ("using Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit;" for most of the controls, "using Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid;" for the datagrid control) to the top of .cs files
    2. Add a new xmlns (xmlns:xctk="" for most of the controls, xmlns:xcdg="" for the datagrid control) to the top of XAML files
    3. Remember to use the namespace prefix (in the above example, <xctk: ...> or <xcdg: ...>) in the body of your XAML
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