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Etherscan explorer API

GoDoc Go Report Card License

Golang client for the API(and its families like BscScan).


  1. Full implementation of Etherscan API, such as (accounts, transactions, tokens, contracts, blocks, stats)
  2. network support (Mainnet, Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkby, Goerli, BNBChain, Poloygan, etc.)
  3. depending on go-ethereum/common, so you can use common.Address directly.
  4. support rate limit, you can set the rate limit by yourself.
  5. support hooks, you can add hooks to do something before or after the request.
  6. combining current limiters to support concurrency.


go get

Create an API instance and off you go.

package main

import (



func main() {
	// create a api client
	client := explorer.NewClient(
		"<you api key here>",
		explorer.ClientWithRTLimiter(5, 3),
	// (optional) add hooks. useful for logging, metrics, etc.
	client.BeforeHook = func(ctx context.Context, url string) error {
		// ...
		return nil
	client.AfterHook = func(ctx context.Context, body []byte) {
		// ...
	// arbitrary module dependency injection client

	// after v1.3
	service := client.Accounts()
	// compatible old version
	//service := accounts.Service{Client: client}

	//log := logs.Service{Client: client}
	// and so on...
	//_ = log
	// get account balance
	balance, _ := service.EtherBalance(common.HexToAddress("0xBE0eB53F46cd790Cd13851d5EFf43D12404d33E8"))


other usage example on examples/ folder.

You may find full method list at GoDoc.

Etherscan API Key

You may apply for an API key on etherscan.

The Etherscan Ethereum Developer APIs are provided as a community service and without warranty, so please just use what you need and no more. They support both GET/POST requests and a rate limit of 5 requests/sec (exceed and you will be blocked).