CUDI is for Custom Diaporama. This app is a display of the world, it will show you images with a particular aesthetic to keep your attention on the screen.
Never forget to update your system:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Install Rust and Cargo if it's not already done
Install PostgreSQL:
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-client echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@localhost/diesel_demo > .env
Download PostgreSQL from the website and add the
path to your env path$Env:Path += ';C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\[version]\bin;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\[version]\lib;
Create the database:
CREATE ROLE gmx; CREATE DATABASE cudi_db; CREATE USER gmx WITH PASSWORD '1234'; ALTER ROLE gmx SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE cudi_db TO gmx; \q
Run following commands:
cd media_handler diesel migration run cd .. python3 -fc/--from-scratch
- Simple OpenGL engine in Rust:
Open a window with some images shownHandle the high volume of local image to download per-second- 3D engine + CUDI as texture (WIP)
- Handle the sound
- Handle video on screen
- Options and customizations of the engine:
- Custom parameter to control the engine
FPS- Control with mouse and Keyboard (WIP)
- Filter
- Mode (Cinema/Background/image with cudi in a plain rect see data/readme)
Media path selector- Tags (WIP)
- Animations
Custom parameter in UX- Show Music player
- Show Music analysis window
- Media history (like/dislike) -> search engine w/ postgresql (WIP)
- Custom parameter to control the engine
- External API (real-time data acquisition):
- Download photos or videos from API such as Archillect, Tumblr ou Google Photos
- Handle the Deezer or Youtube API to play music
- ML everywhere:
- Add auto tagging image/video with themes/colors
- Add music tagging with themes/styles and BPM selector
- Adapt music and image/video BPM and tags
: create a database to stock the link of the image.- create an ImageLink class that get the link from Archillect or Google Photos or instagram feed (check the max requests)
- create an ML tag creator class using tensorflow to make a classification from all images
- found different sources to get the image's links
Image tagger to reference images or videos following recurrent themes or aesthetic descriptions. The tags could be stored within a SQL database next to the image link.
Find tag that referenced this themes:
- Main Colors
- Feelings
- Vibes / mood
- Art mouvements
- Words
- Custom tag to create KNN like media groups
- Music style
: create a Menu class that override the screen and manage all the options (image_speed - tags - mode - filter - media_root).- create different mode (normal - gif surrounding the screen - animation (image or video where a part of the screen will aff cudi, the reste will be the template))
- add an history of every file with a tag search or color search
- manage the audio from the computer
- analyze the sound's curb to adapt cudi's parameter
- add an ML class to adapt the tags from the audio
Animation could be add to the screen:
- TV screen (high speed video* accelerated with b/w filter and speed cut)
- Images in line on the top of the screen, a slow dark wallscreen animation will be always display. Those images will describe a type of sound (frequencies). When this type will appear in a music the corresponding image will grow then retake is place. All the sounds will create a nearly chaotic and unique animation for each music.
- Color palette with gradient from left to right in high speed
- Fill the screen with the same image in high speed and in a geometric way
- Themes displayed with associative color palette (death -> dark)
- pixel sorting
- video in background and cudi on the top on certains part of the screen (anonymisation instead of blurring)
- check compression artifact here also