My nixvim (nixified neovim) config!
Nixvim is an amazing project that brings nix to neovim. It makes running neovim with your complete config on alien systems easy, consistent, and fast! You can find out more on the nixvim repository.
Try this command to run my neovim configuration:
nix run github:xav-ie/xnixvim
Basically, if you have nix
installed, you can run this configuation!
You might also enjoy my dotfiles!
- CI
- Fast CI
- Screenshot
- with CI
- snippets
- basic setup
- get cmp_luasnip_choice working or checkout pysan3/dotfiles/nvim/lua/plugins/70-LuaSnip.lua#L150
- write my own or find someone else's snippets for ts. specifically all the
map, reduce, forEach should have snippets
- TakeTuesday E03: Introduction to LuaSnip
- TakeTuesday E04: LuaSnips - Advanced Configuration
- L3MON4D3/LuaSnip#resources-for-new-users
- The Best Neovim Plugin | Writing Lua Snippets With Luasnip Learn the basics of Luasnip up to learning dynamic nodes. The last example is wrong, though.
- separate theme out and share
- local completions Thanks to minuet-ai-nvim.
- better large file support
- proper spelling and dictionary support to add new words
- org concealment
- checkout ts-auto-tag:
- checkout these other plugins:
- LSP code actions with telescope?
- nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim - code action already in core TS
- traxys/nvim-flake/config.nix#L306
- read through these config(s) fully:
- harpoon - seems not active mantained right now. I am watching some important issues and waiting until they close to consider this
- Find better manager, check out these:
- set up blink.cmp
- set up toggleterm