This is an OpenWRT feed for the [cjdns] project.
To install cjdns on OpenWRT:
# cd ~
# svn co svn:// openwrt
# cd openwrt
# cp ./feeds.conf.default ./feeds.conf
# echo 'src-git cjdns git://' >> ./feeds.conf
# ./scripts/feeds update -a
# ./scripts/feeds install cjdns
Then configure for your system:
# make menuconfig
Select your system type and the options you want and choose:
Network ---> Routing and Redirection ---> [*] cjdns
Then save and close the configuration menu, then allow OpenWRT to resolve dependencies:
# make defconfig
Then build:
# make
If you have a multicore processor, you can build faster using -j
however the OpenWRT build process is not highly parallelized so your milage may vary.
# make -j 4
To update the version of cjdns:
# rm ./dl/cjdns-*
# ./scripts/feeds update cjdns
# make