This is a Discord Bot that tracks the 1.1 & 4.4 Bond rates and also notifies if they are good. It also tracks the current Rebase Time and the Average Rebase time!
If you just want to checkout the Bot join my Discord!
Open a CMD go into the Directory and run this command:
npm install
Input your Discord Bot Token Key into the .env & also Invite the Bot to you're Discord.
const channels = {
11: 'CHANNEL ID', // 1.1 Bond Channel ID
44: 'CHANNEL ID', // 4.4 Bond Channel ID
66: 'CHANNEL ID', // Rebase Channel ID
Input the Role IDS into here!
const notifyRoles = {
11: 'ROLE ID', //1.1 Role Notifier ID
44: 'ROLE ID', //4.4 Role Notifier ID
Input the Rate at wich you want to get Pinged here! 8.4 = 8.4%
const goodRates = {
11: 8.4, //1.1 Role Notifier Rate at wich it Pings the role
44: 10, //4.4 Role Notifier Rate at wich it Pings the role
node bot.js
- @KIiment
- @snorkiepie <Big Thanks to him for helping me out!>