This directory is a brief example of a Hexo site that can be deployed to Vercel with zero configuration.
Deploy your own Hexo project with Replit.( NOT RECOMMENDED !)
Deploy your own Hexo project with Replit Education:
将以下代码粘贴至Replit Shell后回车
Copy code blow to Replit Shell then Enter
git clone && mv -b hexoonreplit/* ./ && mv -b hexoonreplit/.[^.]* ./ && rm -rf *~ && rm -rf hexoonreplit
当加载完 Loading Nix environment... 后点击绿色 ▶ Run
When Loaded Nix environment... then click RUN bottom
To get started with Hexo for deployment with Vercel, you can use the Hexo CLI to initialize the project:
$ hexo init project-name