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The fork of slider-entity-row by Thomas Loven, with styling inspired by light-popup-card by Daan Buit. A lot of custom features and configuration options were put on top of these two projects.

Can be used as a standard card or inside of the popup using browser_mod.


HACS installation

Go to the hacs store and use the repo url and add this as a custom repository under settings.

Add the following to your ui-lovelace.yaml:

  url: /hacsfiles/light-slider-card/light-slider-card.js
  type: module

Manual installation

Copy the .js file from the dist directory to your www directory and add the following to your ui-lovelace.yaml file:

  url: /local/light-slider-card.js
  type: module

Quick Start

type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
entity: light.desk_light
icon_position: inside
slider_color_auto: true



entity can be an entity in one of the following domains:

  • light - set brightness, color temperature, effects
  • media_player - set volume
  • climate - set temperature
  • cover - set position
  • fan - set speed (assumes first setting is off)
  • input_number - set value (only if mode: slider)
  • input_select - select option
  • number - set value

If you want to controll more than one entity with the same slider, use light group, cover group or a custom made template entity.

Available options:

Option Values Description default
min number Minimum value of slider Depends on entity domain
max number Maximum value of slider Depends on entity domain
step number Step size of slider selection Depends on entity domain
hide_state true/false Hide the slider value completly false
attribute (see below) Which attribute the slider should controll Depends on entity domain
title string Text appearing above the slider Enitity friendly name
icon string Icon appearing next to the title or inside the slider Entity icon
icon_off true/false The icon, which replaces the default one when the entity is off none
hide_title true/false Hide the title completly false
hide_icon true/false Hide the icon completly false
hide_thumb true/false Hide the slider thumb completly false
transparent_card true/false Make the card transparet and without the shadow false
state_position above/below/inside Position of the slider value text above
slider_width string Slider width (CSS notation - px/%...) 150px
slider_height string Slider height (CSS notation - px/%...) 400px
slider_color string Color of the slider progress Accent color
slider_thumb_color string Color of the slider thumb Color of disabled text (var(--disabled-text-color))
slider_thumb_size string Width of the thumb 100px
slider_track_color string Color of the slider background (track) Color of disabled text (var(--disabled-text-color))
state_color string Color of the slider value text Primary text color (usually white)
title_color string Color of the title text Primary text color (usually white)
icon_color string Color of the icon Primary text color (usually white)
icon_size string Width of the icon (preserves aspect ratio) 24px for inline, 40px for inside position
icon_position inline/inside Position of the icon - inline with title or inside the slider (above state) inline
slider_corner_radius string Slider corder radius Same as other cards corder radius
slider_color_rgb_off string Color of the slider when the entity is off rgb(70, 70, 70)
slider_color_rgb_0 string Color of the slider when it is at the very bottom. This color is used to calculate middle tones. none
slider_color_rgb_100 string Color of the slider when it is at the very top. This color is used to calculate middle tones. none
slider_color_auto true/false Enable automatic slider coloring based on its value. Supported by some entity domains. false

Custom slider colors


YAML code for screenshot above
type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
entity: light.desk_light
title: Desk lamp
slider_color_auto: false
slider_corner_radius: 30px
slider_track_color: '#d9d9d9'
slider_color_rgb_off: 'rgb(100, 100, 100)'
slider_color_rgb_0: 'rgb(148, 128, 0)'
slider_color_rgb_100: 'rgb(255, 249, 202)'
hide_thumb: true
icon_color: '#fff'
icon_position: inside
state_color: '#fff'
state_position: inside

Automatic slider colors


YAML code for screenshot above
type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
entity: light.desk_light
title: Desk lamp
attribute: color_temp_pct
slider_color_auto: true
slider_corner_radius: 30px
slider_track_color: '#d9d9d9'
slider_color_rgb_off: 'rgb(100, 100, 100)'
hide_thumb: true
icon_color: '#fff'
icon_position: inside
state_color: '#fff'
state_position: inside


Currently, the following attribute settings are supported.

For light domain:

  • brightness_pct - default
  • brightness
  • color_temp
  • color_temp_pct
  • hue
  • saturation
  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • effect
  • white_value

For cover domain:

  • position - default
  • tilt


Display two sliders side-by-side [hack]


YAML code for screenshot above
type: entities
title: Desk lamp
show_header_toggle: false
  style: |
    :host #states {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: row;
      justify-content: space-around;
      align-items: baseline;
  - type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
    entity: light.desk_light
    slider_color_auto: true
    state_position: inside
    icon_position: inside
    hide_title: true
    transparent_card: true
  - type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
    entity: light.desk_light
    icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
    attribute: color_temp_pct
    slider_color_auto: true
    state_position: inside
    icon_position: inside
    hide_title: true
    transparent_card: true

Wrapped in popup


YAML code for screenshot above
action: fire-dom-event
  command: popup
  title: |
    [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]]
    type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
    entity: light.desk_light
    transparent_card: true
    icon_position: inside
    slider_color_auto: true
    hide_title: true
    step: 1

iOS dark theme

iOS dark theme used, no additional styling required.


YAML code for screenshot above
type: 'custom:light-slider-card'
entity: light.desk_light
icon_position: inside
slider_color_auto: true


iOS-style vertical slider card







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  • TypeScript 98.7%
  • JavaScript 1.3%