Available only for Fitbit Sense 2,Versa3, Versa 4
Minimal clock with support for:
- 24/12h formats
- Custom date formats
- All languages supported
- 3 different color configurations
- Battery percentage (optional)
- Heart rate (optional)
- 充電狀態顯示(開發中)
- Format 1 (red)
- Format 2 (yellow)
Format | Output | Description |
YY |
18 | Two-digit year |
2018 | Four-digit year |
M |
1-12 | The month, beginning at 1 |
MM |
01-12 | The month, 2-digits |
Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
January-December | The full month name |
D |
1-31 | The day of the month |
DD |
01-31 | The day of the month, 2-digits |
d |
0-6 | The day of the week, with Sunday as 0 |
dd |
Su-Sa | The min name of the day of the week |
ddd |
Sun-Sat | The short name of the day of the week |
dddd |
Sunday-Saturday | The name of the day of the week |
H |
0-23 | The hour |
HH |
00-23 | The hour, 2-digits |
h |
1-12 | The hour, 12-hour clock |
hh |
01-12 | The hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
m |
0-59 | The minute |
mm |
00-59 | The minute, 2-digits |
s |
0-59 | The second |
ss |
00-59 | The second, 2-digits |
000-999 | The millisecond, 3-digits |
Z |
+05:00 | The offset from UTC |
ZZ |
+0500 | The offset from UTC, 2-digits |
A |
AM PM | |
a |
am pm |
- laggelos
- New colors
- Show battery and heartrate at the same time
Made with ❤️ by Nicolò Rebaioli