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Maciej Laskowski edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 5 revisions

Test Executor

The Test Executor module is an entry point of the test suite processing. It exposes endpoints which client applications can use to run the test suite and check the processing status by sending the simple HTTP requests.

The heart of this module is the SuiteExecutor OSGi service. This service is responsible for starting the test suite execution and storing the processing status. It communicates directly with the AET Runner via ActiveMQ.


The Test Executor module exposes two endpoints. First is responsible for running provided test suite and the second provides the suite processing status.

Base path for both endpoints:


Run suite
  • URL: /suite
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Parameters:
    • suite - xml file containing the suite definition,
    • domain - overrides domain specified in the suite xml file.
  • Description: Executes test suite provided as a parameter. The request's content type has to be multipart/form-data.

This endpoint returns JSON object with following fields:

Field Description
correlationId Correlation ID of the suite run, used to check the processing status.
statusUrl URL under which the processing status is available.
htmlReportUrl Link to HTML report generated by the suite run.
xunitReportUrl Link to xUnit report generated by the suite run.
errorMessage Contains an error message. Only this field will be present if suite start fails.
Get suite processing status
  • URL: /suitestatus/<correlationId>
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • correlationId - correlation ID of the suite run, which is returned in response to the suite run request.
  • Description: Returns processing status of the suite run identified by correlationId. Please note that the Run suite request returns full URL from which the processing status can be obtained.

This endpoint returns JSON object with following fields:

Field Description
status Processing status. Available values: PROGRESS, ERROR, FATAL_ERROR, FINISHED, UNKNOWN
message Detailed message associated with status (might be empty).

SuiteExecutor service

This service processes the requests sent to endpoints. It parses provided suite file, locks the test suite and sends it to the Runner. It starts the threads that receive progress messages from Runner and stores the statuses in cache.

The service returns processing status when requested. It returns one status at a time and removes it from cache, so the status message can be obtained only once. When there are no status requests made for a specified amount of time, then the statuses for the specific suite run are removed from the cache permanently.

The ActiveMQ message receive timeout can be configured in the OSGi Console, under the AET Suite Executor entry. It is specified in milliseconds.

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