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Unit tests

partisan |ˈpɑː.tɪˌzæn|

noun, A long-handled spear with a triangular, double-edged blade and 
      lateral projections.

adjective, Biased in support of a party, group, or cause.


partisan is a Python client API for iRODS using the baton iRODS client. It is an alternative to python-irodsclient, biased towards the needs of the NPG team.

Comparison with python-irodsclient

partisan uses baton, a programming language-agnostic iRODS client with a JSON interface. This means that partisan

  • Has guaranteed compatibility with released iRODS versions. partisan uses the official iRODS C API (via baton).

  • Supports improved speed for data object put operations. python-irodsclient in our hands is 3-4x slower than iRODS C API put for multi-GB files.

  • Supports federation fully and transparently. python-irodsclient is not yet able to do this for collections

  • Provides support for timeouts and retries, which python-irodsclient does not.

  • Provides a simpler programming interface than python-irodsclient. partisan's Collection and DataObject classes are created from path strings, while iRODS connections are managed transparently by the API.

  • Offers consistency of behaviour and a shared surface area for bugs with our Perl and Go-based pipelines, which also use baton.

Roadmap to python-irodsclient

Both partisan and baton are tightly focussed on the iRODS features that we use, while python-irodsclient provides much broader functionality. Transition to python-irodsclient may become desirable because of this. In that the case partisan will retain its API and will switch to an python-irodsclient backend, so that applications written against it will continue to function without change.


The entry points for partisan's API are the Collection and DataObject classes, which are constructed from an absolute iRODS path, either as a string or a pathlib.PurePath.

partisan uses the baton client which must available to Python. Normally this is achieved by making sure the baton-do executable is on your PATH.

Like the iRODS client icommands, baton uses the environment variable IRODS_ENVIRONMENT_FILE to locate an iRODS configuration file. You should ensure that this set before attempting to connect to iRODS.

These are the examples use some dummy data from the package data directory. The assertions are correct for a test system where the zone is named testZone, the user is irods, the iRODS resource is a replication resource with 2 replicas, and the server is configured to use MD5 checksums. A runnable copy of these examples is present in tests/

Given some collections and data objects already in iRODS ...


To make an object representing a collection, pass a string or os.PathLike to the Collection constructor. iRODS paths are virtual, existing only in the iRODS IES database. A Collection is a Python os.PathLike object.

coll = Collection("/path/in/irods/")
assert coll.exists(), "The collection exists"

We can examine the collection permissions. Note that you may get a different result on your iRODS, depending on your user and zone.

assert coll.permissions() == [AC("irods", Permission.OWN, zone="testZone")]

We can list the collection, which returns a new instance.

assert coll.list() == coll

We can examine the collection's immediate contents.

assert coll.contents() == [
    Collection(ont_gridion / "66")
], "The collection contains one sub-collection"

We can examine the collection's contents recursively. If you print the contents, you'll see that collections sort before data objects.

assert len(coll.contents(recurse=True)) == 26

We can examine the collection's metadata.

assert coll.metadata() == [], "The collection has no metadata"

We can examine the collection's permissions. Note that you may get a different result on your iRODS, depending on your user and zone.

assert coll.permissions() == [AC("irods", Permission.OWN, zone="testZone")]

We can upload directory hierarchy to create a collection hierarchy in iRODS.

for item in coll.put(local_dir, recurse=True, verify_checksum=True):
    assert item.exists(), "The item exists"
    // Do something with the item

We can exclude some paths from the upload. Here we omit empty files.

for item in coll.put(local_dir,
                        lambda p: os.path.isfile(p) and os.path.getsize(p) == 0
    // Do something with the item


To make an object representing a data object, pass a string or os.PathLike to the DataObject constructor. iRODS paths are virtual, existing only in the iRODS catalog database. A DataObject is a Python os.PathLike object.

    obj = DataObject(
        / "66"
        / "DN585561I_A1"
        / "20190904_1514_GA20000_FAL01979_43578c8f"
        / ""
    assert obj.exists(), "The data object exists"

We can examine the data object's permissions. Note that you may get a different result on your iRODS, depending on your user and zone.

    assert obj.permissions() == [AC("irods", Permission.OWN, zone="testZone")]

We can compare the remote object's checksum with its expected value.

    assert obj.checksum() == "c462fb84625c26ba15ecdf62e15a9560"

We can list the object, which returns a new instance.

    assert obj.list() == obj

We can examine any replicas of the object. Note that you may get a different result on your iRODS, depending on whether you are using replication, or not.

    assert len(obj.replicas()) == 2
    for r in obj.replicas():
        assert r.checksum == "c462fb84625c26ba15ecdf62e15a9560"
        assert r.valid

We can see the expected size, according to the iRODS IES database, in bytes.

    assert obj.size() == 1369

We can get the data object to a local file and confirm that the data within is the expected size and matches the expected checksum.

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
        local_path = Path(d,

        with open(local_path, "rb") as f:
            m = hashlib.md5()
            n = 0
            for b in iter(lambda:, b""):
                n += len(b)

            assert n == 1369
            assert m.hexdigest() == "c462fb84625c26ba15ecdf62e15a9560"

For small text files, we can also read a data object directly into memory.

    assert (
        == "c462fb84625c26ba15ecdf62e15a9560"

We can examine the data object's metadata.

    assert obj.metadata() == [], "The data object has no metadata"

We can add some metadata to the data object. Let's add two AVUs (Attribute, Value, Unit tuples).

        AVU("sample_id", "sample_1"), AVU("experiment_id", "experiment_1")

Note that metadata returned by this method are sorted by AVU attribute and value.

    assert obj.metadata() == [
        AVU("experiment_id", "experiment_1"),
        AVU("sample_id", "sample_1"),

Now that there are metadata on the data object, we can find it by query. Here we query on experiment_id alone.

    assert DataObject.query_metadata(AVU("experiment_id", "experiment_1")) == [obj]

Note that in iRODS, collection and data object metadata are separate and must be queried independently. In the partisan API, a query using DataObject.query_metadata() searches only data object metadata, while Collection.query_metadata() searches only collection metadata.

    assert Collection.query_metadata(AVU("experiment_id", "experiment_1")) == []

The function partisan.irods.query_metadata() is available to search both collection and data object metadata to return combined results.

    assert irods.query_metadata(AVU("experiment_id", "experiment_1")) == [obj]

The default query operator is =. You can specify a different operator for each AVU used to define a query by setting its operator attribute in any of the query methods.

    assert DataObject.query_metadata(AVU("experiment_id", "experiment%", operator="like")) == [obj]

    assert irods.query_metadata(AVU("experiment_id", "experiment%", operator="like")) == [obj]


partisan uses a small pool (the default is 4) of BatonClient instances to serve requests. This pool is created automatically and is passed to the constructors of Collections and DataObjects by default. If you would like an alternative client management strategy, you can do this by creating your own pool.

Let's create a Collection using the default pool.

    coll = Collection(ont_gridion)

Now let's create a Collection using a pool which contains only one BatonClient. partisan provides a context manager to help with this. When a pool goes out of scope it will automatically be closed, stopping any BatonClients within it and terminating any baton-do processes they may have started.

    with client_pool(maxsize=1) as pool:
        coll = Collection(ont_gridion, pool=pool)


In its API methods that communicate with the iRODS server, partisan provides the two keyword arguments timeout and tries to control the timeout for the operation (in seconds) and how many attempts should be made to carry it out before raising an exception. The default values for these are None (meaning do not time out) and 1 (meaning make a single attempt).

Let's check if a collection exists, timing out if a response takes longer than 10 seconds and allowing 3 tries at that (each timing out after 10 seconds).

    Collection(ont_gridion).exists(timeout=10, tries=3)

A timeout may occur for one of two reasons. Firstly, if no BatonClient is available before the timeout expires and secondly, if the iRODS server takes longer than the timeout to respond with a result. partisan does not distinguish between these circumstances.


  • The baton-do executable from the baton iRODS client distribution. Version >=4.3.1 is required.
  • The unit tests use the iRODS client icommands clients. These are not required during normal operation.

These tools should be present on the PATH, when required.

Running tests

Running directly on your local machine

To run the tests locally, you will need to have the irods clients installed (icommands and baton, which means your local machine must be either be running Linux, or have containerised versions of these tools installed and runnable via proxy wrappers of the same name, to emulate the Linux environment.

You will also need to have a working iRODS server to connect to.

With this in place, you can run the tests with the following command:

pytest --it 

Running in a container

The tests can be run in a container, which requires less setup and will be less likely to be affected by your local environment. A Docker Composer file is provided to run the tests in a Linux container, against a containerised iRODS server.

To run the tests in a container, you will need to have Docker installed.

With this in place, you can run the tests with the following command:

docker-compose run app pytest --it

There will be a delay the first time this is run because the Docker image will be built. To pre-build the image, you can run:

docker-compose build