Author : [Author's Name]
Last modified by : [Update your name if you are updating an existing artifact]
Related public jira : [Link to public JIRA]
Related testcases : [Provide the testcase ID in Testlink]
Deprecated : [This is an optional field. Please provide the product version when the artifact is deprecated]
###Description [Provide a brief description about the artifact and what can be achieved. Make sure you give a clear idea about the artifacts here.]
###Setup [By default, this should be "Standalone". If it requires a specific setup for any reason, then provide the setup details here.]
Product Version: [The product version used for the artifact when creating.]
- [Script1.jmx]
- [Script2.jmx]
- [Script3.jmx]
[Specify each parameter/variable of your script and provide a brief description about each parameter/variable.]
- [Pre-condition1]
- [Pre-condition2]
- [Step1]
- [Step2]
- [Step3]
- [Result1]
- [Result2]
- [Post-condition1]
- [Post-condition2]