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Testgrid Jenkins Library

This repo contains the related pipeline code that is being used in the Jenkins TestGrid Pipeline.

Jenkins version, blueocean version

Jenkins:- Jenkins 2.319.3 Blueocean Version:- 1.25.3

Testgrid Jenkins Pipeline Variables

  1. product- The WSO2 product that needs to be tested from TestGrid. Allowed Values- apim, is
  2. cfn_repo_url- The WSO2 product CFN repo name. Allowed Value Format-
  3. product_version- The product version that needs to be tested using testgrid. Allowed Value Format- 3.2.0
  4. product_deployment_region- The region where the product stack is getting deployed. Allowed Values- us-east-2, us-east-1
  5. os_list- The OS and its version. If there are multiple parameters, please add them by separating them by a ","(Comma). Allowed Values- CentOS7, Ubuntu1804
  6. jdk_list- The JDK and its version. If there are multiple parameters, please add them by separating them by a ","(Comma). Allowed Values- OPEN_JDK8, ORACLE_JDK8
  7. database_list- The Database type and its version. If there are multiple parameters, please add them by separating them by a ","(Comma). Allowed Values- MySQL-5.7, SQLServer-SE-15.00
  8. use_wum- If using WUM this should be true. If using U2 this should be false. Allowed Values- Check or Un Check
  9. product_repository- The product repo where the test scripts are existing. Allowed Value Format-
  10. product_test_branch- The repo branch where the test script is existing. Allowed Values- product-scenarios-3.2.0
  11. product_test_script- The location of the test script. Allowed Value Format- product-scenarios/
  12. use_staging- If testing environment is staging be true. If using UAT this should be false. Allowed Values- Check or Un Check

Please note all the allowed values are mentioned on the TestGrid pipeline documentation. The above values are the most frequently used values.

step by step guide to on how to add this repo to a new pipeline

Check the TestGrid Pipeline Onboarding document