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Shani Ranasinghe edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Adding notes, info, warning, and tips

WUM or Product update notes

Patch updates or bug fixes for a product can go out as WUM or product updates after a GA release of that specific product. In such situations, make sure to update the documentation as follows:

  • Update the table in the WUM updates section, which is in the About this Release page. Make the feature name a hyperlink that links back to the actual documentation. If the WUM updates section has not been previously added, add it after the

What has changed in this release section and include the new information.

* Format:
    |Updated or newly introduced feature|Date of the update|
    |<feature>                          |<month dd, yyyy>  |

* Example:
    |Updated or newly introduced feature|Date of the update|
    |Working with Observability         |November 24, 2018 |
  • Update the relevant documentation sections with the following note.
    • Format:
      • You need to get the latest product updates for your product to use this feature in the current version of WSO2 API-M. This feature is available as a product update from Month DD, YYYY (MM-DD-YYYY) onwards.