Final Documentation can be found in documentation.pdf above
Milestone #3
Changes from last milestone:
- Added API call to get all of the pairings
- Created an application array to hold all of these pairings to be used throughout the app
- Added methods in pairing arrays class to disntiguish between current round pairings and previous results
- Created RecyclerView and PairingAdapter to display the pairings for the current round in the first tab of the main screen
- Created RecyclerView and PairingAdapter to display the pairings for previous results in the second tab of the main screen
- Added Splash Screen to make sure API call is returned before starting the main activity
- Added API call to display the information for a current round pairing
- Display the information for a current round pairing in new activity screen called ViewPairing
-onClick method for these items not currently working, please do not press those at this time since it will cause the app to crash
-To get to the pairings page, there are buttons underneath recyclerview in the Pairings Tab (onClick for the pairings does not work currently, but will work in the final build) - Add button which sends an intent to the Google Maps App to display walking directions to the pairing location
- Add data storage for all API calls
- Intent to open Google Maps and provide directions to the round location added to the pairings info screens
Local Data Storage:
- Everytime we make an API call, we also write the data to local storage.
- If no internet is available when app boots up, will get data from local data storage if available (atleast one API call has been made prior)
Web Service:
All endpoints constructed and added to the web service described in the readme
Endpoints include:
- Get current standings
- Get all pairings information
- Get more specific info about one pairing
Milestone #2 Our Custom Web Service:
Code found here:
Hosted Here:
Our app uses a Node.js server with a MongoDB database hosted on an t2.micro instance through Amazon Web Services
Web Service Implementation:
- Tab 3 (Standings) GET's data from Node.js server at endpoint /getRankedTeams, and displays them in the RecyclerView
Screen loads:
- Obviously.
Local Data Storage:
- Everytime we make an API call, we also write the data to local storage.
- If no internet is available during MainActivity's onCreate(), app will get data from local data storage if available (atleast one API call has been made prior)
User requirements:
- Presents standings in sorted fashion