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Releases: wrench-project/wrench


14 Mar 01:01
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure platforms, systems, and applications. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes:

  • Implementation of a "backfilling depth" feature for EASY and convervative_bf batch scheduling algorithms
  • Upgrade to SimGrid v4.0 and FSMod v0.3
  • Minor code/documentation cleanups

Note: WRENCH 2.6 requires SimGrid 4.0 and SimGrid FSMod 0.3

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16 Dec 21:18
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure platforms, systems, and applications. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes:

  • Implementation of the EASY batch scheduling algorithm in BatchComputeService
  • New command-line argument for the wrench-daemon to specify the number of commports
  • Minor code/documentation cleanups

Note: WRENCH 2.5 requires SimGrid 3.36 and SimGrid FSMod 0.2

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30 Oct 03:44
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure platforms, systems, and applications. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes:

  • Removal of all file system simulation code, which was replaced by calls to
    the SimGrid File System Module (FSMod), which is now a new software dependency for WRENCH
  • API change: all numbers of bytes (file and memory sizes) are now of type sg_size_t instead of double (due to the use of FSMod above)
  • Added REST API functionality and updated all documentation
  • Minor code/documentation cleanups

Note: WRENCH 2.4 requires SimGrid 3.36 and SimGrid FSMod 0.2

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10 Sep 21:02
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure platforms, systems, and applications. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes mostly updates/upgrades:

Note: WRENCH 2.3 requires SimGrid 3.36.

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20 Jul 14:34
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure platforms, systems, and applications. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes:

  • Implementation of wrench-daemon, which can be started on the local machine and supports a REST API so that users can create and run simulations in a language-agnostic manner.
  • Implementation of non-bufferized (i.e., buffer size of zero) storage services, which is transparent to the user but can vastly reduce simulation time by using a fluid (rather than message-based) model for how storage services read/write data to/from disk while sending/receiving that same data to/from the network.
  • API change by which a FileLocation now includes a DataFile.
  • Added a CACHING_BEHAVIOR property to StorageService, which can take value NONE (the original behavior in which when full the storage service fails on writes) and LRU (the storage service implements a Least Recently Used strategy so as to function as a cache).
  • Implementation of a File Proxy Service, which acts as a proxy for a file service while maintaining a local cache for files.
  • Implementation of a Compound Storage Service, which acts as a proxy for an arbitrary set of Simple Storage Services and performs file striping.
  • Implementation of an MPI action, which can be part of any job and makes it possible to simulate message-passing programs implemented with the MPI API. The simulation of the MPI program is handled by the SMPI component is SimGrid, which has proven both accurate and scalable.
  • Minor bug fixes and scalability improvements.

Note: WRENCH 2.2 requires SimGrid 3.34.

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07 Oct 18:26
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure platforms, systems, and applications. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This is a minor release, which includes:

  • Implementation of a new storage service for the simulation of the XRootD storage system, along with implementation and examples.
  • Performance and scalability improvements that reduce memory footprint and simulation execution time.
  • Minor bug fixes

Note: WRENCH 2.1 requires SimGrid 3.32.

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08 Apr 23:13
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure platforms, systems, and applications. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This is a major release, which includes:

  • Created a more general Developer API, called the action API, that makes it possible
    to simulate application workloads that are not necessarily workflow applications. Examples
    are provided in the examples/action_api directory.
  • Minor changes to the workflow API (which is now implemented internally on top of the action API).
  • Removed support for the obsolete DAX XML workflow description format, which removes an external software dependency.
  • Added support for the WfCommons JSON workflow description format.
  • Many additional API functionality, typically as requested by users.
  • Scalability improvements both in terms of simulation time and simulation memory footprint.
  • New and improved documentation.

Note: WRENCH 2.0 requires SimGrid 3.31.

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24 Feb 23:58
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure and Workflow Systems. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes only minor changes and bug fixes. This is the last release of WRENCH version 1.x. WRENCH version 2.0 will be released soon, which will include minor changes to the current "workflow" API, a new more generic "non-workflow" API, as well as significantly decreased simulation time and memory footprint.

Note: WRENCH 1.11 requires SimGrid 3.30.

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16 Oct 18:51
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Cyberinfrastructure and Workflow Systems. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes a series of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes, including:

  • Support for programmatic platform description (#228)
  • Enable a job to check locations for a file in some order of preference (#229)
  • Enhancement (#226)

Note: WRENCH 1.10 requires SimGrid 3.29.

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24 Aug 21:18
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WRENCH is a simulation framework for building simulators of Workflow Management Systems. WRENCH implements high-level simulation abstractions on top of the SimGrid simulation framework, so as to make it possible to build simulators that are accurate, that can run scalably on a single computer, and that can be implemented with minimal software development effort.

This release includes a series of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes, including:

  • Performance improvement (#221)
  • Updates to HTCondor component and API (#220)
  • Enhancement (#225)

Note: WRENCH 1.9 requires SimGrid 3.27.

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