accessorpp is a C++ library for implementing property and data binding.
- Powerful
- Support arbitrary data type as property or data binding.
- Support various kinds of getter and setter, such as data pointer, member data pointer, member function, lambda function, etc.
- Support event dispatching on changing data.
- Configurable using policies.
- Robust
- Well tested. Backed by unit tests.
- Flexible and easy to use
- Header only, no source file, no need to build. Does not depend on other libraries.
- Requires C++ 11.
- Written in portable and standard C++, no hacks or quirks.
Apache License, Version 2.0
Tested with MSVC 2022, MSVC 2019, MinGW (Msys) GCC 7.2, Ubuntu GCC 5.4. In brief, MSVC, GCC, Clang that has well support for C++11, or released after 2019, should be able to compile the library.
accessorpp is header only library. Just clone the source code, then add the 'include' folder inside accessorpp to your project, then you can use the library.
You don't need to link to any source code.
Simple usage
#include "accessorpp/accessor.h"
accessorpp::Accessor<int> accessor;
// output 0
std::cout << (int)accessor << std::endl;
accessor = 5;
// output 5, we don't need to cast to int explicitly
// Accessor does the casting for stream operators automatically.
std::cout << accessor << std::endl;
Customized getter/setter
accessorpp::Accessor<int> accessor(
// This is the getter
[&accessor]() {
return accessor.directGet();
// This is the setter, it limits the value not exceeding 5.
[&accessor](int value) {
if(value > 5) {
value = 5;
accessor = 3;
// output 3
std::cout << (int)accessor << std::endl;
accessor = 6;
// output 5
std::cout << (int)accessor << std::endl;
Handle on change events
struct Policies {
using OnChangingCallback = std::function<void (int)>;
using OnChangedCallback = std::function<void ()>;
using AccessorType = accessorpp::Accessor<
AccessorType accessor;
accessor.onChanging() = [&accessor](const int newValue) {
std::cout << "onChanging: new value = " << newValue << " old value = " << accessor << std::endl;
accessor.onChanged() = [&accessor]() {
std::cout << "onChanged: new value = " << accessor << std::endl;
// output
// onChanging: new value = 5 old value = 0
// onChanged: new value = 5
accessor = 5;
// output
// onChanging: new value = 38 old value = 5
// onChanged: new value = 38
accessor = 38;
Back to more than 10 years ago, in my (wqking) another monster library cpgf, I added accessor as a sub library, which serves for and binds to cpgf. Now this is a new independent library, with beautiful C++11 syntax, concise and easy to use.