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Sorting Algorithms Benchmark Results

Overall Top 20 Algorithms (by average time across sizes)

Rank Algorithms Overall Average Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort 53us
2nd Cubesort 57us
3rd Flash Sort, Burst Sort 83us
5th Bucket Sort 87us
6th Spreadsort 90us
7th Polyphase Merge Sort 108us
8th Intro Sort 119us
9th Merge Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, Patience Sort 130us
12th Tree Sort 140us
13th Franceschini's Method 147us
14th Tim Sort 165us
15th Comb Sort 166us
16th MSD Radix Sort 167us
17th MSD Radix Sort In-Place 173us
18th Hyper Quick 179us
19th Quick Sort 210us
20th I Can't Believe It Can Sort 219us

Skipped Algorithms

Algorithm Skipped At Size
Bogo Sort 12
Slowsort 333

Detailed Benchmark Results

Array Size: 5

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Insertion Sort, Cocktail Sort, Gnome Sort, Exchange Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, Bubble Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Tim Sort, Franceschini's Method, Comb Sort, Cycle Sort, Slowsort, Tree Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Strand Sort, Intro Sort, Library Sort, Quick Sort, Burst Sort, Hyper Quick, Pancake Sort, Patience Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Stooge Sort, Bucket Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Spreadsort, Merge Sort, Cubesort, Smooth Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, MSD Radix Sort, Flash Sort, Replacement Selection Sort, Tournament Sort, Sorting Network, Block Sort, Sample Sort, Radix Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Postman Sort, Bogo Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
48th Counting Sort 127ms 130ms
49th Bead Sort 543ms 535ms
50th Pigeonhole Sort 980ms 1s 6ms
51st Sleep Sort 1s 324ms 1s 373ms

Array Size: 7

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Insertion Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Exchange Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Cocktail Sort, Gnome Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Bubble Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Tim Sort, Franceschini's Method, Comb Sort, Cycle Sort, Tree Sort, Heap Sort, Intro Sort, Strand Sort, Library Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Burst Sort, Patience Sort, Pancake Sort, Quick Sort, Spreadsort, Cubesort, Bucket Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Hyper Quick, Slowsort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Merge Sort, Flash Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Smooth Sort, MSD Radix Sort, Replacement Selection Sort, Stooge Sort, Sorting Network, Sample Sort, Tournament Sort, Block Sort, Radix Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Postman Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
47th Bogo Sort 15ms 9ms
48th Counting Sort 138ms 141ms
49th Bead Sort 790ms 801ms
50th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 80ms 1s 106ms
51st Sleep Sort 1s 495ms 1s 540ms

Array Size: 9

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Insertion Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Selection Sort, Exchange Sort, Shell Sort, Tim Sort, Cocktail Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Franceschini's Method, Comb Sort, Gnome Sort, Tree Sort, Bubble Sort, Cycle Sort, Intro Sort, Heap Sort, Library Sort, Strand Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Burst Sort, Patience Sort, Spreadsort, Hyper Quick, Quick Sort, Pancake Sort, Bucket Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Flash Sort, Merge Sort, Replacement Selection Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Cubesort, MSD Radix Sort, Smooth Sort, Stooge Sort, Slowsort, Block Sort, Sample Sort, Tournament Sort, Radix Sort, Sorting Network, LSD Radix Sort, Postman Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
47th Counting Sort 156ms 158ms
48th Bead Sort 1s 96ms 1s 101ms
49th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 208ms 1s 242ms
50th Bogo Sort 1s 275ms 880ms
51st Sleep Sort 1s 605ms 1s 636ms

Array Size: 12

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Insertion Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Tim Sort, Shell Sort, Comb Sort, Bubble Sort, Exchange Sort, Cocktail Sort, Franceschini's Method, Odd-Even Sort, Tree Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Intro Sort, Gnome Sort, Strand Sort, Patience Sort, Burst Sort, Bucket Sort, Library Sort, Heap Sort, Spreadsort, Merge Sort In-Place, Cubesort, Cycle Sort, Quick Sort, Replacement Selection Sort, Hyper Quick, Flash Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Pancake Sort, Merge Sort, MSD Radix Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Smooth Sort, Block Sort, Sample Sort, Radix Sort, Tournament Sort, Sorting Network, Postman Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Slowsort, Stooge Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
47th Counting Sort 146ms 148ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 435ms 432ms
49th Bead Sort 1s 547ms 1s 560ms
50th Sleep Sort 1s 681ms 1s 720ms
51st Bogo Sort 29min 10s 132ms 20min 26s 932ms

Note: The following algorithm were removed for this array size due to performance issues: Bogo Sort (at size 12)

Array Size: 17

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Spaghetti Sort, Insertion Sort, Tim Sort, Shell Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Exchange Sort, Comb Sort, Franceschini's Method, Intro Sort, Tree Sort, Cocktail Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Patience Sort, Cubesort, Spreadsort, Bucket Sort, Library Sort, Replacement Selection Sort, Strand Sort, Burst Sort, Heap Sort, Gnome Sort, Flash Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Polyphase Merge Sort, Bubble Sort, Cycle Sort, Hyper Quick, Quick Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Pancake Sort, Merge Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, MSD Radix Sort, Smooth Sort, Sample Sort, Block Sort, Radix Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Tournament Sort, Postman Sort, Sorting Network, Stooge Sort, Slowsort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
47th Counting Sort 143ms 141ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 246ms 1s 254ms
49th Sleep Sort 1s 774ms 1s 812ms
50th Bead Sort 2s 30ms 2s 27ms

Array Size: 25

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Spaghetti Sort, Insertion Sort, Cubesort, Merge Insertion Sort, Tim Sort, Shell Sort, Selection Sort, Franceschini's Method, Replacement Selection Sort, Intro Sort, Comb Sort, Patience Sort, Tree Sort, Spreadsort, Bucket Sort, Flash Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Burst Sort, Exchange Sort, Library Sort, Strand Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Odd-Even Sort, Hyper Quick, Quick Sort, Cocktail Sort, Bubble Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, MSD Radix Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Gnome Sort, Merge Sort, Cycle Sort, Block Sort, Pancake Sort, Sample Sort, Smooth Sort, Radix Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Tournament Sort, Postman Sort, Sorting Network, Stooge Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel, Slowsort less than a ms less than a ms
47th Counting Sort 150ms 147ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 301ms 1s 309ms
49th Sleep Sort 1s 854ms 1s 871ms
50th Bead Sort 3s 89ms 3s 86ms

Array Size: 30

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Spaghetti Sort, Shell Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Insertion Sort, Franceschini's Method, Tim Sort, Intro Sort, Patience Sort, Spreadsort, Comb Sort, Tree Sort, Selection Sort, Flash Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Cubesort, Replacement Selection Sort, Burst Sort, Bucket Sort, Strand Sort, Exchange Sort, Library Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Heap Sort, Hyper Quick, Quick Sort, Odd-Even Sort, MSD Radix Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Merge Sort, Cocktail Sort, Block Sort, Bubble Sort, Gnome Sort, Pancake Sort, Cycle Sort, Sample Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Smooth Sort, Sorting Network, Radix Sort, Tournament Sort, Postman Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel, Slowsort, Stooge Sort less than a ms less than a ms
47th Counting Sort 151ms 150ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 331ms 1s 334ms
49th Sleep Sort 1s 877ms 1s 893ms
50th Bead Sort 3s 730ms 3s 747ms

Array Size: 41

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Spaghetti Sort, Shell Sort, Cubesort, Replacement Selection Sort, Intro Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Bucket Sort, Flash Sort, Patience Sort, Burst Sort, Spreadsort, Franceschini's Method, Comb Sort, Tree Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Tim Sort, Insertion Sort, Strand Sort, Library Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Selection Sort, Hyper Quick, MSD Radix Sort, Exchange Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Heap Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Block Sort, Cocktail Sort, Sample Sort, Pancake Sort, Radix Sort, Bubble Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Gnome Sort, Cycle Sort, Postman Sort, Smooth Sort, Tournament Sort, Sorting Network, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
45th Stooge Sort 1ms 1ms
46th Slowsort 4ms 4ms
47th Counting Sort 154ms 153ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 358ms 1s 365ms
49th Sleep Sort 1s 907ms 1s 918ms
50th Bead Sort 5s 156ms 5s 138ms

Array Size: 55

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Cubesort, Spaghetti Sort, Shell Sort, Spreadsort, Flash Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Intro Sort, Patience Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Burst Sort, Franceschini's Method, Bucket Sort, Tim Sort, Tree Sort, Comb Sort, Strand Sort, Insertion Sort, Hyper Quick, Merge Sort In-Place, Library Sort, Selection Sort, MSD Radix Sort, Heap Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Quick Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Sample Sort, Merge Sort, Block Sort, Exchange Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Radix Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Pancake Sort, Cocktail Sort, Postman Sort, Bubble Sort, Gnome Sort, Cycle Sort, Sorting Network, Tournament Sort, Smooth Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
45th Stooge Sort 4ms 3ms
46th Slowsort 19ms 18ms
47th Counting Sort 155ms 153ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 385ms 1s 382ms
49th Sleep Sort 1s 941ms 1s 950ms
50th Bead Sort 6s 997ms 6s 987ms

Array Size: 75

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Flash Sort, Cubesort, Spreadsort, Bucket Sort, Intro Sort, Shell Sort, Patience Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Burst Sort, Franceschini's Method, Tree Sort, Tim Sort, Comb Sort, Hyper Quick, MSD Radix Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Strand Sort, Heap Sort, Library Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Selection Sort, Sample Sort, Block Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Radix Sort, Exchange Sort, Postman Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Pancake Sort, Cocktail Sort, Bubble Sort, Gnome Sort, Cycle Sort, Tournament Sort, Sorting Network, Smooth Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
45th Stooge Sort 11ms 10ms
46th Slowsort 103ms 100ms
47th Counting Sort 155ms 154ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 391ms 1s 387ms
49th Sleep Sort 1s 956ms 1s 966ms
50th Bead Sort 9s 638ms 9s 638ms

Array Size: 100

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Cubesort, Flash Sort, Spreadsort, Intro Sort, Bucket Sort, Burst Sort, Patience Sort, Shell Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Franceschini's Method, Tree Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Comb Sort, Tim Sort, MSD Radix Sort, Hyper Quick, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Merge Sort In-Place, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Strand Sort, Block Sort, Merge Sort, Library Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Radix Sort, Sample Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Postman Sort, Exchange Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Pancake Sort, Cocktail Sort, Bubble Sort, Tournament Sort, Gnome Sort, Sorting Network, Cycle Sort, Smooth Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
45th Stooge Sort 34ms 33ms
46th Counting Sort 157ms 155ms
47th Slowsort 499ms 499ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 411ms 1s 409ms
49th Sleep Sort 1s 970ms 1s 976ms
50th Bead Sort 13s 318ms 13s 9ms

Array Size: 136

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Cubesort, Flash Sort, Burst Sort, Bucket Sort, Intro Sort, Spreadsort, Patience Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Shell Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Franceschini's Method, Tree Sort, Tim Sort, Comb Sort, MSD Radix Sort, Hyper Quick, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Merge Sort In-Place, Heap Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Strand Sort, Block Sort, Sample Sort, Radix Sort, Library Sort, Postman Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Exchange Sort, Pancake Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Bubble Sort, Cocktail Sort, Tournament Sort, Gnome Sort, Cycle Sort, Sorting Network, Smooth Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel less than a ms less than a ms
45th Stooge Sort 34ms 32ms
46th Counting Sort 158ms 154ms
47th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 424ms 1s 423ms
48th Sleep Sort 1s 983ms 1s 988ms
49th Slowsort 2s 995ms 2s 997ms
50th Bead Sort 17s 835ms 17s 774ms

Array Size: 183

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Cubesort, Flash Sort, Burst Sort, Shell Sort, Bucket Sort, Spreadsort, Intro Sort, Patience Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Franceschini's Method, Polyphase Merge Sort, Comb Sort, Tree Sort, Tim Sort, Hyper Quick, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, MSD Radix Sort, Quick Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Heap Sort, Radix Sort, Sample Sort, Block Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Postman Sort, Merge Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Strand Sort, Library Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Exchange Sort, Sorting Network, Cocktail Sort, Pancake Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Bubble Sort, Tournament Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel, Cycle Sort, Gnome Sort, Smooth Sort less than a ms less than a ms
45th Stooge Sort 145ms 143ms
46th Counting Sort 247ms 244ms
47th Sleep Sort 1s 994ms 1s 997ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 2s 592ms 2s 680ms
49th Bead Sort 26s 619ms 24s 121ms
50th Slowsort 28s 495ms 28s 476ms

Array Size: 250

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Cubesort, Flash Sort, Burst Sort, Bucket Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Intro Sort, Shell Sort, Spreadsort, Patience Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Franceschini's Method, Tree Sort, Comb Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Hyper Quick, Tim Sort, MSD Radix Sort, Quick Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Radix Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Postman Sort, Block Sort, Sample Sort, Strand Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Library Sort, Sorting Network, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel, Exchange Sort, Cocktail Sort, Pancake Sort, Bubble Sort, Odd-Even Sort, Tournament Sort less than a ms less than a ms
42nd Cycle Sort, Gnome Sort, Smooth Sort 5ms 4ms
45th Counting Sort 244ms 244ms
46th Stooge Sort 432ms 430ms
47th Sleep Sort 2s 8ms 2s 10ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 2s 717ms 2s 719ms
49th Bead Sort 48s 824ms 48s 865ms
50th Slowsort 4min 1s 78ms 4min 1s 549ms

Array Size: 333

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Cubesort, Flash Sort, Spreadsort, Burst Sort, Bucket Sort, Intro Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Patience Sort, Tree Sort, Franceschini's Method, Shell Sort, MSD Radix Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Tim Sort, Hyper Quick, Comb Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Merge Sort, Block Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Heap Sort, Radix Sort, Strand Sort, Postman Sort, Spaghetti Sort, Sample Sort, Library Sort less than a ms less than a ms
32nd Insertion Sort, Sorting Network, Selection Sort 3ms 3ms
35th Bitonic Sort Parallel, Exchange Sort, Tournament Sort, Pancake Sort, Cocktail Sort, Bubble Sort, Odd-Even Sort 5ms 4ms
42nd Gnome Sort 9ms 8ms
43rd Cycle Sort, Smooth Sort 10ms 9ms
45th Counting Sort 259ms 256ms
46th Stooge Sort 1s 204ms 1s 204ms
47th Sleep Sort 2s 23ms 2s 23ms
48th Pigeonhole Sort 2s 635ms 2s 673ms
49th Bead Sort 1min 5s 812ms 1min 5s 321ms
50th Slowsort 28min 56s 728ms 28min 47s 536ms

Note: The following algorithm were removed for this array size due to performance issues: Slowsort (at size 333)

Array Size: 500

Rank Algorithm(s) Average Time Median Time
1st Replacement Selection Sort, Cubesort, Burst Sort, Bucket Sort, Spreadsort, Flash Sort, Polyphase Merge Sort, Tree Sort, Intro Sort, Merge Insertion Sort, Patience Sort, Shell Sort, MSD Radix Sort, MSD Radix Sort In-Place, Franceschini's Method, Tim Sort, Quick Sort, Comb Sort, Hyper Quick, Postman Sort, LSD Radix Sort, Radix Sort, I Can't Believe It Can Sort, Merge Sort, Block Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort In-Place, Sample Sort, Strand Sort, Spaghetti Sort less than a ms less than a ms
31st Sorting Network, Library Sort, Bitonic Sort Parallel 3ms 3ms
34th Insertion Sort, Selection Sort 6ms 6ms
36th Tournament Sort, Pancake Sort, Exchange Sort 9ms 9ms
39th Cocktail Sort, Bubble Sort 12ms 12ms
41st Odd-Even Sort 13ms 13ms
42nd Gnome Sort 18ms 18ms
43rd Smooth Sort, Cycle Sort 19ms 19ms
45th Counting Sort 213ms 212ms
46th Pigeonhole Sort 1s 548ms 1s 565ms
47th Sleep Sort 2s 53ms 2s 54ms
48th Stooge Sort 3s 127ms 3s 108ms
49th Bead Sort 1min 10s 78ms 1min 6s 832ms


My overengineered sorting algorithm test


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