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2021 02 18 TT WIGOSMD 6

xchen edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 38 revisions

Task Team WIGOS Metadata (TT-WIGOSMD-6)

Date and Venue

18 February 2021, 12:00-13:30 UTC

MS Teams


Team Members

Name Present
Jörg Klausen (Switzerland, Team Lead) Yes
Tom Kralidis (Canada, ET-Metadata Chair) No
Dr Gao Chen (USA) Yes
Dr Lara Ferrighi ( Norway ) Yes
Mr Rainer MAERZ ( Germany ) Yes
Ms Ying WANG (China) Yes

WMO Secretariat

Name Present
Enrico Fucile Yes
Xiaoxia Chen Yes
Anna Milan Yes
Rodica Nitu Yes
Tommaso Abrate - hydrology community No
Igor Chernov - hydrology community Yes


  • Franziska Stürzl
  • Juan Bianchi - hydrology


  1. Welcome, Information from chair (jkl, 10')
    1. WIGOS Metadata Information Model
    2. WG-ACV
  2. Approval of minutes from last meeting:
  3. Review FT-2021-1 process and next steps, deadlines FT-2021-2 (AM, 10')
  4. Open Issues (all, 20')
    1. Units
    2. Pollen
    3. Almost resolved ...
  5. Hydrology domain usage (Juan Bianchi, 15')
  6. KPIs for WIGOS metadata (stf, 20')
  7. AOB (10')
  8. Next meeting


  1. Welcome, Information from chair (jkl, 10')
    1. WIGOS Metadata Information Model
    2. WG-ACV
  2. Approval of minutes from the last meeting: Minutes-TT-WIGOSMD-5-2021-Jan-24
  3. Review FT-2021-1 process and next steps, deadlines FT-2021-2 (AM, 10')
    • Action: Joerg and Gao to review
  4. Open Issues (all, 20')
    1. Units
    • Action: Anna to post the ISO CodeList for nilReason values in the comments
    • Action: Team members to review the page about the units
    1. Pollen
    • Action: Rainer and Lara (Norway) to check the parent organization or relevant working group about the pollen variables
    1. Almost resolved ...
  5. Hydrology domain usage (Juan Bianchi, 15')
    • See Presentation
    • Action: Anna to follow up on how to engage Juan in the TT
  6. KPIs for WIGOS metadata (stf, 20')
    • to be postponed to next meeting
  7. AOB (10')
    • Rodica Nitu addresses that the discrepancies of the units of the variables between WISMD and WIGOSMD, a specific example is the unit of depth, using meters and centimeters
    • Action: To discuss between ET-Metadata level, including Rodica, Tom and Joerg
  8. Next meeting 24 March 12:00-13:30 UTC
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