Produces an image that runs Event Store.
The Event Store is a database for supporting the concept of Event Sourcing.
Start an Event Store node with
- binding to all network interfaces
- http server configured to respond to all prefixes
- user projections enabled
docker run --name some-eventstore -d -p 2113:2113 -p 1113:1113 wkruse/eventstore --ext-ip= --http-prefixes="http://*:2113/" --run-projections=all
This image includes EXPOSE 2113 1113
(the HTTP
and TCP
ports), so standard container port mapping will make it available to the host. Go to http://<docker-host-ip>:2113
for the web ui.
(set to /data/db
and /data/logs
respectively) are exposed as volumes.
To look around in the image, run:
docker run --rm --entrypoint="bash" -it -p 2113:2113 -p 1113:1113 wkruse/eventstore