is the premiere banana lifestyle and entertainment website for banana connoisseurs of all ages. Our site includes a variety of pages dedicated to banana themed information and entertainment, all accessible from our homepage at
Page Name | Description |
Quotes | A quote generator that utilizes the ProgrammingQuotesApi to relay quotes from famous programmers with a humorous banana themed twist |
Jokes | Call a random banana joke from the wowthatsbig API |
Facts | Display a random banana fact. Fact: All of the facts are true facts |
Conversion | Users are able to enter a unit of measurement, a number of units, and then convert that measurment to its equivalent size or volume in bananas. Users are also treated to the banana equivalent of a random item called from the wowthatsbig API when they submit |
BPH | Convert a speed in miles per hour to bananas per hour |
TicTacBanana | Play a friendly game of "tic tac toe" locally on your device. Banana vs. Kiwi. Who will win??? |
Jump Game | Jump over the kiwi as many times as you can. Test your high score! |
CLB | Play rock (coconut), paper (leaf), scissors (banana) against the computer |
Pong Banana | How much time do you have to waste? We dare you to try to beat our AI in a game of banana pong |
Meet the Kingz | Get to know the team behind! |
- JavaScript
This project was built using Node.js v16.x and utilizes the following dependencies:
You'll need the Node Package Manager (npm) to build the project. Make sure you have Node JS installed
- Clone repository from
- Navigate to the project directory in your terminal/command line
- Enter
$ npm install
to install project dependencies - Enter
$ npm run start
to start live server and open in browser
- Hosted by netlify
- None (02/17/2022)
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Alex Adamovic, Will Watkins, Jase Seeley, Riley Shimp, Ryan Bass