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Ada.ReportingServices.WatermarkPDFRender is a Reporting Services PDF render which adds a watermark text on each page.

Adapt to Different Reporting Services Version

The source code is for Reporting service 2016, version 14.0.
You may change the Reporting service version with

  • Change the Reference dlls, Microsoft.ReportingServices.ImageRendering.dll, Microsoft.ReportingServices.Interfaces.dll and Microsoft.ReportingServices.ProcessingCore.dll from your target Reporting Service installation folder. It usually is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS\ReportServer\bin\ .
  • Change WatermarkPDFRender.cs, line 29, the Type name of Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.ImageRenderer.PDFRenderer, change the dll version as your target reporting service dll version.


  1. Compile the project, Copy the Ada.ReportingServices.WatermarkPDFRendering.dll into reporing service installation bin folder. Usually, it is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS\ReportServer\bin.

  2. Change the rsreportserver.config, comment out the original PDF render <Configuration><Extensions><Render><!--Extension Name="PDF" .../-->
    Add new WatermarkPDFRenderer in <Configuration><Extensions><Render> as below. The watermark text is configured in <DeviceInfo><Watermark> element.

    <Extension Name="PDF" Type="Ada.ReportingServices.WatermarkPDFRendering.WatermarkPDFRenderer,Ada.ReportingServices.WatermarkPDFRendering">
  3. Change rssrvpolicy.config, add following CodeGroup section in the last inner CodeGroup section to grant Ada.ReportingServices.WatermarkPDFRendering.dll full trust.

    <CodeGroup class="UnionCodeGroup" version="1" PermissionSetName="FullTrust" Name="WatermarkPDFRendering" Description="This code group grants Ada.ReportingServices.WatermarkPDFRendering FullTrust. ">
    	<IMembershipCondition class="UrlMembershipCondition" version="1" Url="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS\ReportServer\bin\Ada.ReportingServices.WatermarkPDFRendering.dll"/>
  4. Restart Reporting service, you will see "PDF with Watermark' in the Export options.