This code is Conebeam-CT on Gate (Monte-carlo simulation)
- World
- Cylinderical phantom (PMMA,TEFLON,AIR)
- Silicon detector
- General particle source(70,80,100,120, and 140 kVp)
- Silicon dectoctor (Voxel geometry 1920 x 1536)
date: 2017.1.24
All rights of "ConebeamCT-Gate" reserved to OpenGate Collaboration and wjcheon and evjoo.
If you have any question for this code, please send the e-mail to me.
Wonjoong Cheon
Ph.D intergrated program
Medical Physics Lab. - SUMP Lab.
Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Science & Technology(SAIHST), SungKyunKwan University.
B.E. Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering , Yonsei University.
B.S. Dept. of Radiological Science, Yonsei University.
Samsung Medical Center (Medical Physics)
National Cancer Center (Computer Vision: 3D vision)
Vatech Vision reasearch Center (CT reconstruction algorithm)
Interest field
Medical physics, Monte-carlo simulation, Machine learning
[email protected],
Samsung Medical Center (06351) 81 Irwon-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea