Small and fast kernel driver.
Gives you the depth data from kinect sensors.
Also runs on embedded devices like the raspberry pi.
Here's a blog post with detailed explanation
make load
make load
make arm
scp * pi@pi:
ssh pi@pi
make load
If you compile the code on the device you want to use it on, you need the kernel source installed and some basic setup. Just search for a guide to compile kernel modules on your OS.
If you want to compile it for a different architecture (PC to pi) you also need a cross compiler. Look for a guide to cross compile a kernel and modules for a pi.
sudo apt-get install git build-essential
git clone
cd librekinect
make load
sudo -s
apt-get install build-essential bc ncurses-dev tmux git
cd /usr/src/
# find out which kernel you are using – in my case 3.12.20+
uname -r
# get the source – in my case 3.12.y (change if needed)
tar xfvz rpi-3.12.y.tar.gz
mv linux-rpi-3.12.y linux
ln -s /usr/src/linux /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
ln -s /usr/src/linux /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/source
cd /usr/src/linux
make mrproper
# get your config
gzip -dc /proc/config.gz > .config
# building, that is going to take a while!
make modules_prepare
make modules_install
# copy the new kernel image
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot/linux-3.12.y
# choose it
echo "kernel=linux-3.12.y" >> /boot/config.txt
after reboot
git clone
cd librekinect
make load
That worked on my pi with the current version of Raspbian. It will take some time, if you loose the connection use "tmux attach".
If you have a faster way, let me know!
After loading the modules you should have a new "/dev/videoX" which you can use like a web cam.
For example:
camorama -d /dev/video0
vlc v4l:///dev/video0
This is the standard in linux. You can use it with virtually every program or library, for example OpenCV.
But it's not! Try it!
Check your kinect power supply. It needs additional 12V.
Maybe it takes to much from the raspberry's 5V too, try an active USB hub.
Check if you have the needed tools (gcc ect.)
Do you have the kernel sources? Are they at the right place?
Is the kernel compatible to the sources you use? Compile a kernel and load it.